Discussion: Rep. Who Zinke Called A Drunk: 'This Is No Kind Of Victory,' But Hopes To Turn Page

As the next Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, I hope Rep. Grijalva will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation of what Zinke has wrought over the past two years.

It’s amazing, but basically ever new House Chairperson starting on January 3rd, will probably have to initiate an investigation regarding their respective jurisdiction.


I have met Rep. Grijalva, he’s a good guy and represents his district well. He’s also not going to back down from a full investigation of Interior…and I suspect they will uncover all kinds of shenanigans, legal or not, that will shock people. The Republicans are doing the opposite of what people want in many ways, the more that comes out in investigations over the next two years the better.


I wonder if Zinke was the cause of the DC court duel that was big time secret yesterday


Mr Grijalva’s district is very close to where I live. Like three blocks to my south. 2He’s well known as being effective.


I’m guessing it was something highly classified and sensitive that could have been guessed at from the people going in and out. Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Koreas, Azerbaijan, God only knows the stuff that could bubble up depending on what we already know.


In spite of living in Baja Arizona for many years, I never met the Distinguished Gentleman, but, barring a few “youthful enthusiasms” (to which most of us are culpable), haven’t heard many bad words against him. His coming from a town that gave the world Lew Murphy… that’s pretty good.


Lew Murphy …a blast from the past. Wow!
Lew’s best contribution to Tucson was each May he would declare it was time to put away the suit and tie in deference to our hot summer temperatures. He would declare “Time for the Guayabera shirt!!”
For those unfamiliar with our local fashions for men, this is a guayabera shirt:

It’s really a very sensible alternative to a business suit. I for one, never did don a suit and tie when I taught my classes at the University of Arizona Medical School. A guayabera was what I could come up with.
Maricopa County gave us Governor Jack Williams…and his famous quote which he enunciated at my graduation…“In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king” (Jack had but one eye)


Now I see the origin of the “scrubs” couturier.


I went to the U of A with an astronomy major, and am literally now sitting up at Kitt Peak still working at it. Small world. :slight_smile:


In GOP Bizzaro world, that is a character flaw!

Then you will appreciate my efforts to get my grandson to be interested in something other than his “smart” phone. We went up Mt Lemmon a year or so ago to attend a star gazing event. Here is my 9 yr old grandson gazing at Andromeda thru a 60 inch scope. We had to spoon his jaw off the floor afterward…


…I suspect they will uncover all kinds of shenanigans, legal or not, that will shock people.

Would that it were so.
Unfortunately, the DTs daily excesses have done such a good job of desensitizing me, and presumably much of the rest of the American public, to improprieties that I fear most folks wouldn’t blanch if he shot a Swedish tourist in a crosswalk on Fifth Avenue.
ETA: I can almost hear one of his enablers intoning, “These people have been subsidized for their entire lives…”

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It’s always good to get them started when they are young. Kitt Peak has a similar program, you can come up and spend a few hours stargazing, and there are lots of other ways to get involved in science stuff that kids really should do.


What really got him interested was seeing what could be done with some plastic tubing. a liter soda bottle. and some cardboard tubing closed at one end. That cardboard tube flew like a rocket when the liter bottle got stomped on. Sorry I don;t have an easily accessible image of that. It happened on the U of A mall during a book fair last spring. Kids lined up to take their turn stomping on those bottles. What a hoot!
Like me he likes to blow stuff up (safely of course). I made a potato cannon for him. We also have done model rockets.


I am hoping that was to get Don Jr’s indictments ready so that he (at least) gets his by Christmas.

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I lived in his district for many years and I agree.

My banjo teacher and I have a pool going re: the clearing of that dc court floor…
he chose Mitch McConnell. My money is on Donnie Jr.

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God, I hope he brings down the hammer fast and hard

Zinke must have realized it’s a really bad idea to pick a fight with the guy who will chair the committee with jurisdiction over your department. It’s good to see him gone, but it would have been fun to put him in the hot seat first!

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