Discussion: Rep. Jordan Denies Ignoring Sexual Abuse As Wrestling Coach: ‘I Never Knew’

Only someone who knows very little can actually claim to know everything. It reminds me of the old saying, ah, to be 15 again, when I knew everything.


Unless and until there is a pending lawsuit, the law firm would not have the ability to force anyone to be deposed. That’s why the law firm has been conducting interviews, rather than depositions.


Jordan pleading ignorance could work because he is an ignorant shit.

Also, John Boener, a fellow Ohio rethug referred to Jordan as a fucking asshole. That’s three steps beyond plain asshole.


Not to mention, his arrogant, whiny-monotoned and rapid fire attacks :pouting_cat:
lavished in spittle is the mega giveaway -

I suspect Jordan’s a sniffing, sniffling pervert - a pubescence bandit.
…as his Supra-JoePa’s malevolence past will ultimately show :eyes:



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The former athlete who says he told Jordan about the abuse is Dunyasha Yetts, who a brief search turns up a history of investment fraud and reports of illegal payments to athletes when he was a sports agent.

Interestingly, Conservative News Feed has a page on Yetts with no stories added so far, just their standard “submit your story.” tab. Don’t imagine it will be long before all hell is unleashed at Yetts.

I’ve become so cynical that if you assume for the sake of argument that Yetts is jumping into this story for his own benefit, could it be a false flag scenario where he’s getting paid to set himself up for exposure and provide allow Jordan an out?

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In this situation Jordan was not a “boss” he didn’t not have clout … beyond just a guy calling out bad ugly behavior … so seriously doubt that Jordan would have stood up &done anything in this situation.

Yes - Paterno was seen as having power to make things - anything happen on the campus … could have - should have acted.

Coming soon: Rep. Jordan ® resigns to spend more time with his young boys.

I don’t know it it’s true, but that’s what people are saying.

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From time to time, I find myself agreeing with Boehner.


What he really keeps saying is, “See the hand? Talk to it.”

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Just the tip?


“We’ve got the truth on our side,” he said.

You may have a lot of other things on your side, jackass, but the truth ain’t one of them.


Well, someone is lying.

I am willing to bet it’s not Ohio State.

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The secondcivilwar caused monumental societal upheaval. It was another significant turning point in our nation’s history. Let us never forget!

Yetts isn’t the only one; others say he 100% knew, and the investigators have said they contacted him (which he also claims didn’t happen).

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There is apparently plenty testimony out there to prove that he’s lyibg about “not knowing.”


The lies just keep on coming from Republicans. Take it from one of millions of women who have been sexually harassed and complained about it at the time: These liars know. They think that by just distancing themselves it will protect them from not taking steps to stop it.


Hmm. It seems that he does not defend himself with the same vigor that he defends 45. He looks scared. He won’t look directly at the cameras. I think he is lying!

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