Discussion: Rendell Calls Paul Ryan's PA Claim Among 'The Stupidest Things I've Ever Heard'

“Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) on Wednesday blasted House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) analysis of the special congressional election in the state the previous night as “one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.”“

You’ve never heard Trump talk?


And the great irony is, Jimmy Carter was (and still is) the only Evangelical we (the United States) have ever elected as POTUS.


Conor Lamb’s inclusive positive look to the future couldn’t be more different than President Trumps bullying nihilistic racial scapegoating. The amoral treacherous and corrupt Trump Republican party will lose the house if the Democrats field more candidates like Conor Lamb in 2018.


I really don’t care if Republicans want to claim Lamb is a Conservative. So what? Why are we getting hung up on this? They’re going to tell themselves all kinds of fun things in the future. For instance, after Mueller reveals his findings lots of Republicans will claim PP was really a liberal Democrat all along. Whatever gets them through the wee small hours of the night is fine by me.

Frankly, I kinda like that they’re running with this excuse because it sends the message that Democrats are a big tent, that you can be Conservative and still a Democrat. If Republicans want the voters to know that Democrats run the ideological gamut, I’ll take it. Anything that helps shed the “San Francisco, left coast elite” canard will help make inroads in parts of the country where we need to pick up seats.


Oh god shut up and go back to your retirement, Ed Rendell. Shameful for a former leader of a state party for which African American voters have been the bedrock for decades to be leaning on that old dog whistle.


“Identity politics” is shorthand for “Advocating for a group of people I don’t like.”

The identity group that the GOP is most concerned with is wealthy old white people.

Followed closely by young, white, mother-in-law-fucking trailer-park racists, of course. Those people are important too.



I’m sick of hearing this shit about Identity politics - nobody even has a decent definition of it. Our voter base is African American voters; they make up a significant portion of the working class. There is no separate economic argument to be made - it’s all the same thing.

Rendell is a white populist. I’m fucking sick about this whole trend - all over the world.


Lamb made it pretty clear that he won’t let his personal beliefs dictate his legislative preferences. That is pretty un-Republican


Bingo. This is all about making sure they feed the sheeple their daily dose of propaganda to keep them in line.


Interesting article up at Vox on Lamb’s win.


Totally agree. I don’t care what excuses the GOP has to sell their base to get by. We are going to take the house and possibly the Senate and we are not going to listen to the RWNJ’s braying cries while we do it. Let them say whatever they want. Propaganda is all they have left. Let them be the perpetual “opposition party”. We can not let those reckless demons near the levers of power again. They have almost totally destroyed our democracy in a little over one year. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize and not let them distract us. Go Dems.


Hmmm… really?

Lamb just carried a district that was 93% white, running on working class issues (Social Security, health care, etc). Looks like “working class white” to me.

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Oooh Governor, that’s one in a very long list.

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I agree, but that’s because I’m old. The younger, sanctimonious aholes that try to control women no longer remember this. I don’t even think they believe it. I think it just gives them a teeny, tiny thrill to control women.


Yeah, Lamb won and he didn’t run as a populist.

As I pointed out earlier - white people don’t own the working class so there is no separate economic issue for white working class voters that doesn’t concern African American working class voters just as much.

This populist bullshit about white working class voters is bullshit.


You missed the point entirely.


Reading the entire post will help you understand

Nobody – and I mean nobody – plays identity politics like Republicans.

The next time someone accuses Democrats of playing identity politics…

They can shove “working-class whites” up their partisan divide.

Nuance isn’t the latest fragrance from Prince Matchabelli. irasdad was referring to Republicans faking concern over the “working-class white.”


Thank you!

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A more believable argument for Ryan: Not fair! Saccone won three counties, which means he won the Electoral College!


Fully agree. I can’t stand it when Dems use the term pro-life. All it means is anti-abortion.
Post-birth, these same anti-abortionists do not give a crap about the life.