He definitely ranks up there. Largely because he surrendered all of his powers to the HFC the moment he took up the gavel. Add to that, he is horrible at counting/getting votes (he doesn’t have people skills), and is a pretty lackluster fund raiser. He runs the House in constant crisis mode…that’s why the budget framework thathe himself negotiated has been completely abandoned by him.
And its not just because I disagree with his policies ( I do). The man has been very ineffective on getting even the most basic bills past, let alone any “agenda”.
No kidding, and in actual fact we must remember that Lamb is PRO-CHOICE.
He believes in a woman’s right to choose.
His personal preference aligns with most democrats and with the feelings of most women who choose to have an abortion. They wished it wasn’t necessary, but the choice about necessity belongs to the woman.
So a candidate that is pro-choice, pro-Obamacare, pro-backgrounds checks, and opposed to cutting Medicare Social Security and pro-union is “running as a conservative”…?
TPM needs to learn how to spell Conor Lamb’s name correctly. It was misspelled in every one of Josh’s posts last night, and it’s misspelled again in this article. The name Conor only has one “n.” It’s not difficult to confirm. It’s spelled that way on his website: https://conorlamb.com/
When Ingraham pointed out that while Lamb is personally opposed to abortion, he supports pro-choice policies, Rendell replied: “He’s more pro-life than most Democrats.”
“The core values of the Democratic Party going back 50 years are values that most Americans agree with, and we have gotten away from them,” the former governor said later. “We play identity politics. It isn’t good.”
Identity isn’t only about race, ethnicity, religion and gender, Ed.
Lamb “played” some very effective “identity politics” by appealing to PA-18 voters for whom an important part of their “identity” is that they are union members and members of union families, supporters of organized labor, or just plain old working-class. Yes, it was also an “economic” appeal, but that’s the point – it doesn’t have to be one or the other!
We need to move past this “should we be doing ‘identity’ politics or should we be doing ‘economic’ politics?” nonsense.
That’s not the point. The Ryan quote will be all over Fox and other conservative media so the right wing doesn’t freak out, get discouraged…and not vote.
Pre-dates his speakership: for a couple decades now, the MSM and VSPs (mainstream media and Very Smart People) have been desperate to believe there are smart Republicans acting in good faith in order to can justify their bothsidesism. So they glommed onto Ryan-the-earnest-policy-wonk, and promoted the crap out of him, ignoring his phony innumerate Randianism to avoid facing the fact that, in this era, the root of our “political dysfunction” is almost entirely in one party.
True, but it’s important to understand too that the political rise of the Religious Right was not centered on their narrow definition of life much less their limited interpretation of the right to it; e.g., The Real Origins of the Religious Right
…the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools.
Well, Ryan does have a propensity for saying stupid things. Ranking them by degree of stupidity is not an easy task because his statements tend to be VERY, VERY stupid.