GOP: Obama made moochers out of The Whites.
Paul Ryan: We are approaching 99% moochiness in the country.
The more they dodge and refuse to answer questions, the more people will show up to demand answers. Keep it up GOPers and we’ll see you at the midterms.
I think I understand what’s happening here. There are a lot of States and House Districts in which the voters returned their tried-and-true RWNJ’s to Congress, on the assumption that they would be a counterbalance to President Clinton and her wild-eyed lefty ideas (there aren’t enough rolleyes smileys in the world for that characterization, BTW). A divided government is a “safe” government.
But now they’re faced with a Trump Presidency, and it’s finally dawning on them that their pet RWNJ might actually be able to pull off the damaging things he or she has been bloviating about. Buyer’s remorse is setting in.
I’m trying to remember if Democrats duck and dodged the Town Halls that were dominated by TeaBaggers’ presence…
Does anyone remember?
And it’s heartening to see so may people show up and express their frustrations with their Congressional representative. I almost feel like we have been asleep and have woke up - very angry, seeing all that was built slipping or being taken away. I just wish more people had ultimately recognized how nasty and inept Trump would be instead of focusing on Wall Street speeches and emails.
Excellent point.
I haven’t heard anyone say this but I think this is spot on.
And maybe the same people voted for Trump, but didn’t think he’d win…they didn’t want to vote for Hillary whether they liked Trump or not. Now they got what they voted for and it wasn’t what they expected.
I think that it was been easy for the R’s in congress to oppose Obama and his policies…they could please their party first constituents as well as their bigoted ones. And they didn’t really have to figure out any policy to please them (aside from anti abortion bills). Just Obamacare=bad. We will replace it w/ something better. We need tax reform. We need immigration reform. etc… Now they are struggling to come up w/ policies that don’t piss off their constituents (who were shallow enough to not envision what reform might be realistic and what reform their dear party leaders might actually propose).
The sad thing is that I think the behavior of the R congress is only going to increase the cynicism of their constituency. Trump is clever enough w/ publicity that he’ll likely slither away from any accountability and will hang that on Congress or any “enemies” he can conjure. And his followers (it’s like a cult) will believe whatever cockamamie BS he spews.
But I think that these voters who returned “their tried and true RWNJ’s to Congress” are going to have to sit w/ the repercussions of their choice for a bit… we have our own work to do, aside from the resistance…we have to build a coalition. And create some real alternative candidates to these cronies.
And the RWNJ’s are in a catch-22 situation. Because if they don’t listen to their constituents they get hated for taking away insurance and social security and medicare and roads and clean air and water. But if they do, they get primaried by well-funded even-more-crazies.
Get used to it, fuckers.
We are not going away.
Those kids are slackers and moochers. If they’re not ready to pick up guns and fight, then they’re just living large on handouts from Uncle Sugar.
Interesting and entertaining to see the dismay of republicans facing the outrage of their constituents during the recent Town Hall meetings.
It’s almost as if they completely forgot that Trump* came in second; and that the vast majority of Americans did not vote for nor supports this administration.
Military families will just love this. If you are aiming to lose the support of service members, just piss off their spouses.
…because the issue will be whether the electorate can trust their government and by mocking, dodging and dismissing the concerns of their constituents, these representatives and Senators are demonstrating that they cannot be trusted to serve the country, that they are all in for their party, period.
The 2018 election ought to be interesting…assuming the anger can be sustained that long.
I don’t remember about most of them, but this was my favorite…
Money 1st, party second.
My thought is… cut the Congressional base salary to the average salary across the country. Now a member takes in $174,000 base salary. Cut that to $45,000. Also cut back benefits like free postage, the Capitol gym, gold plated health insurance, then slash office staff salaries and numbers. Then you’ll get people who want to do good for the country first.
There is a longer edit that is worth a watch also
Shouting and chanting was OK for the Tea Party crowd…why not pissed off constituents?
Laughing…now that would probably not go over well. But I like the idea.
I dont have much hope. It requires people to connect the issues. If they had the ability, Trump wouldnt exist.
love Barney Frank and miss him terribly in the House.