Discussion: Reagan’s Daughter: Trump’s ‘Glib’ 2nd Amendment Line Could Inspire Violence


“Your glib and horrifying comment about ‘Second Amendment people’ was heard around the world,” she continued.

“It was heard by your supporters, many of whom gleefully and angrily yell, ‘Lock her up!’ at your rallies,” Davis wrote. “It was heard by the person sitting alone in a room, locked in his own dark fantasies, who sees unbridled violence as a way to make his mark in the world, and is just looking for ideas. Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter.”

Proceeds to heart and bookmark this post.

‘The GOP civil war was fought in various places…’


I always thought Ms. Davis was one of the sane, reasonable members of her family. This does nothing to change that opinion. This is how we fight Trump, not by returning his childish insults, but with the truth. As Justice Brandeis notably stated, “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman,” and boy, do we need to clean up a boil on the body politic. There will be a spray of pus, and it may leave a scar, but let’s cleanse ourselves of the disease of “Trumpism.”


Very strong statement indeed. Shame Trump is orange, he can’t blush.


Though I know how Junior likely feels about Trump’s statement, I wonder if anyone got a hold of Michael yet in regards to this.

Whoops, if this is an indication, then I spoke too soon.

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BIg DIFFErence. HInckeLY said ANd DID crazy THINGS.


like lusting for Jodie Foster…


ER: Ann Coulter has been tweeting about how Trump is the new Reagan. What do you think about that?

MH: Ann Coulter has no idea what she’s talking about.

See? Even republicans don’t like her.



The terrifying prospect of Donald Trump with nuclear weapons

Giving someone like this access to the most powerful weapons ever created would be like giving a chimpanzee a machine gun.

Can’t argue with that…


Bob Woodward:

“Excessive rhetoric from Jodie Foster backers fed Hinckley.”


88 days … 12.5 weeks … The United States of America must coalesce and focus on the preservation of a freely elected nation of equals - with liberty and justice for all - the virulent hatemonger cancer that is Donald Trump must be subdued - vanquished and must not be permitted to imperil the health of the republic.

Every thinking person must do their part - regardless of past party lines / past affiliations / philosophy - it is time to sweep out the obstructionists & those seeking to actively disadvantage - the already disadvantaged.

There needs to be a never ending parade of thoughtful, fair minded individuals on the left, right & center stepping up and repudiating every ounce of the bile that Trump is pumping out.


Donald Trump does indeed know, but he doesn’t really comprehend, he is a true sociopathic politician. He has no empathy even to his own family, he certainly doesn’t care about the country and I think he actively loathes the Republican Party. This is about him, all about him, he doesn’t care if he’s elected or not, he’s looking at his name in the news, doesn’t matter why, he’s hearing his name chanted at his rallies, he’s seeing dollar signs on his next “entertainment” venture knowing he’s got at least 14 million people who will lock their t.v.'s on his channel day in and day out once this is over.

Pundits keep asking over and over why he says what he says every day? Easy, it works.


Well, someone had to have the brains in that family.


“Speaking on behalf of civilian Champanzees everywhere, we have no need for machine guns … and we certainly see no value in Donald Trump having any access to nuclear weapons codes - ever!”


I always knew chimpanzees were smarter than Repuglicans


Heh, I literally was hitting send just now with the link when I noticed you beat me to the punch.

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Especially by our enemies who need to convince the subjugated that America is a hotbed of violence coming to take away their religious liberty.

Stop aiding the enemy, Donald. And that goes double for the Republican Party. Stop giving terrorists easy access to guns!


(toh to inversion as this was gif-jacked from him)

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If anyone can authoritatively write about the affects of tRump’s comments on the mentally ill, Patti Davis sure can.

People tend to think its people with personality disorders, your basic rampant sociopath of one shade or another in our society that we have to worry about committing violence, but its truly the mentally ill person whose tenuous hold on reality is harder to predict and often less understood. The person could be off their meds, never treated for their illness, or has been overlooked by society in ways we haven’t yet grappled with in this country because we tend to stigmatize people with psychosis before we tend to get them help. We ignore those people in our country as a testament to our own personal failure as a caring society, and due to our own personal ignorance and neglect. Those are the individuals we have to worry picking up on messages about assassination, if not more so. There’s no telling how a mentally ill person, whose tenuous grasp of reality at best, interprets the words they hear into a message to act based on delusional cues and psychotic thinking. Rules about ‘normative behavior’ in society simply don’t often exist for those folks, who have left all reality behind, either temporarily or on a permanent basis. What and how they hear the kinds of words tRump casually spouts should be contemplated before any person shoots their mouth off indiscriminately, rather than pretending they’re incapable of using any forethought. tRump can use forethought, he just chooses not to, and that’s the lack of temperament that is so glaring in what he does on a constant basis. It’s just fucking common sense to watch what you say, which clearly tRump doesn’t have as part of his wheelhouse. He doesn’t feel for others any more than he cares what others think of him unless its adulation. So what he says in public is not something he ever feels responsible for.