Discussion for article #235821
The lack of true universal health care, the use of capital punishment and extremely high incarceration rates are some of the things that set the United States apart.
Apart from the first world.
Thank you Hillary for pointing out that more people in prison is not a solution.
Genuine concern and real policy proposals, what is effectively and announcement that she learned from Gore and McCain that no one ever won a race to succeed a president of the same party by running away from him, no matter what the apparatchiks say, and, just incidentally, merely by talking about the issue of the day, she takes a major shot at O’Malley, who, in any case, is now in the position of not even thinking about being in a position to announce for at least a month.
Strictly from a bleacher standpoint, I have to admit I’m impressed.
Those of you who know me know I am not Hillary’s biggest cheerleader. But if she runs her campaign with speeches like that, and can demonstrate she means them, I might be. That was really really good. I look forward to proposed solutions. Prison reform should be on top of the next president’s agenda. Right under climate change.
Great! Keep it up, Hillary, you’re on the right path!
The question is not can she make beautiful speeches about these issues- but can she follow through and get these reforms done.
What you said. And although I think she needs for O’Malley to get in so the asshats will have something to cover rather than sheet-sniffing and Clinton Rules “it would be irresponsible not to speculate” idiocy, you’ve got to admire the restraint demonstrated here. The idiots who ran her 2008 campaign would have considered it political malpractice not to bludgeon O’Malley for having a very real piece of the responsibility for this mess. It takes a truly skilled operative to realize that the most effective thing to do is say nothing about that. Not a hint, no allusion, nothing.
Sure, but isn’t that pretty much a given in every presidential race?
A good speech and frankly the right approach. There are so many strong arguments right now for prison and criminal justice reform that I think it was smart of her to get out in front of this right now and be the first on the left to stake her position and set forth her proposals. The difficulty will be continually treading the fine line between showing respect for law enforcement while also showing respect for those who have suffered as a result of law enforcement failures. In any event, I was happy to read this speech from Clinton. A good start for her on an issue that is important to me.
Great speech and a topic where, if she was just a political cheap-shot artist uninterested in progress like some candidates out there, good old-fashioned, strawmannish blame could have been pinned for cheap, short-term points and pokes among the usual suspects.
True. Though I do have to say that, despite voting for Obama, I had little hope that he could get much done due to his lack of time in Washington.
That’s somewhat of a tautology in a way. If we’re going to watch the primaries dissolve into “we’ll both try to do the same thing, but I’m the one who can get it done,” then yawn…that’s a concern present with respect to every single candidate, and the fact is, unless we somehow magically take the grossly gerrymandered House away from the Teatrolls, the answer is going to largely be “no”, like it or not. We’re going to have to accept that the best we can do is to elect the right person who wants to get the right things done and then watch the GOP/Teatrolls block it all, because that’s at least a far cry better than watching the GOP/Teatrolls go hog wild in the WH trying to resurrect the 1950’s.
I agree. I know that this is the situation we’re in. And at this point, I’m convinced the GOP wants to take us back to the 1850’s.
I thought the same thing. From a strategic standpoint, I’m starting to get optimistic. She won’t win if her advisors and campaign folks come out playing hardball in the primaries and go all hamfisted like last time.
She seems to be listening to much smarter political people this time around.
“We should begin by heeding the pleas of Freddie Gray’s family for peace and unity”
I do have to disagree on that point. Where we should begin is by mercilessly dismantling the private prison system in this country. Period. No quarter. Incarceration and the stripping of an individual of almost all of his freedoms and dignity is not a for-profit private endeavor. It is a distasteful duty of the state to be exercised with the utmost of care and restraint and in the absolute absence of outside and undue influence…
Agreed. I hope it lasts.
It gave me real hope that the old Clinton hand belligerent paranoid assclowns are really not going to be majorly involved. The Ickes, Penn and Wolfson crowd would have thought “subtle” meant working in veiled digs that could be plausibly denied with a knowing smile.
Not having Mark Penn involved is a good start. I think she actually has a very smart staff, including many people who have also worked for Obama. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/hillary-clintons-power-players-116874.html.