This may be important, but it isn’t what I’m looking to read as THE headline story tonight. (Too much significant breaking news.)
Yawn. And TPM slides further into irrelevancy. But wait… you can join TPM Prime and get all the details of this fascinating story…or not.
I consider it highly suspect that the money was due yesterday, and Avenatti is being slapped with a lawsuit today. Does anyone else suspect that Frank is working with Team Trump?
Boy, the “Shallow State” has gone into full “Attack Gerbil” mode, trying to rewrite and reframe the narrative. Sadly for them, we don’t actually care about Avennati and Daniels, except as a weapon against our cultural nemesis. - yeah, just like the Evangelical culture warriors don’t care about Donnie, except as a weapon in their cultural jihad.
Ironic, non?
And right on cue…
Every deplorable in the GOP base…
Every Parseltongue on Fox…
Every Made Man in the Congressional majority…
And every shape-shifting replicant in the White House…
Will arise in unison to declare that the worst crime any man can possibly commit is…
To stiff a creditor!!!
Does not this meet the definition of clear and present danger to our homeland? As per Fox? Are those drones I hear circling Avenatti now?
Democracy doesn’t end in the dark, it ends with fetid blustering bastards wrapping themselves in flags and screaming 24 x 7 about how outraged they are while they stab stab stab and crush an resemblance of facts and reason and suck suck suck abso-fucking-lutely every penny they can from the fools that pay for their hatred and from the middle class and poor unable to defend themselves from government that serves only to serve the massively rich and enrich themselves.
Whew… that rant… better out than in.
While this latest Avenatti story is relevant, so is the story that the president’s lawyer paid $130k to an adult film entertainment star and the latest story that the president paid his lawyer back (both are FEC and OGC violations).
The question now is: which story is stronger?
You do know that @system is not a real person.
Not a real person. A global user for system notifications and other system tasks.
So. One lawyer is suing another lawyer. The story is presented as if this is something akin to discovering Bigfoot humping the Loch Ness Monster.
Welp. Let’s wait and see what the MSM will decide about it.
If a story like that ran (with grainy video of course), I am curious as to what Herculean mental gymnastics Fox would do to somehow, someway make this the fault of the progressives and their destruction of moral values for everything. Well shit, I just wrote the headline didn’t I?
he he …he he he …you said ’ stiff ’ … he he he he …
Does any famous lawyer work for a living anymore? All these high profile law firms seem to be bankrupt. All the partners seem to do is sue each other and agree to settlements that none of them have the funds to cover. Stormy is keeping the entire operation afloat? Well, at least they know where the bodies are buried and can back up their claims with hard evidence.
I’ll settle for yet another indictment for the guy in the Oval Office who took an oath to uphold the rule of law. I saw him do it in real time on TV (unless that was staged like the Moon landing, too)…
And also saw how small the crowd was at the Mall jeering him on. Loved how the white sheeting protecting the grounds accentuated the emptiness of the expanse. It went on for blocks and blocks. The shots of the empty bleachers where nobody was willing to pay to sit were pure magic. Quite an omen of things to come for Donald.
But then the courtrooms will all be packed when the trials finally come, right?
We all knew something like this was coming, right? If Avenatti doesn’t have all his ducks in a row, then look out.
It sounds like ex law partner is trying to get some publicity himself.
I’m cheering Avenatti on as he does his best to bring Trump down, but he is no angel, or at least that’s how the coverage of Tully’s Coffee’s circling the drain is portraying him. He bought the company apparently at fire sale prices and has allegedly avoided paying staff, suppliers, and landlords while milking it for what he can. Allegedly.
He does not appear to be a knight in shining armor, but I’ll still delight in whatever grief he can give Trump.
Or getting a little “commission” from the Mercers to poke Avenatti…