Here’s a little background on Mitch (Dick-Head) McConnell!
The conservative nutjobs are not going to be happy since this is just Obamacare Light. It was a lose-lose for the GOP and old turtle went for lose.
It cuts more from Medicare than the House Trumpcare bill. It just does it more slowly, but with the Senate Trumpcare bill the cuts never, ever, stop.
Hey look, a strike all amendment.
McConnell ought to be ashamed of himself, but he’s incapable of that. Now it’s up to two or three GOP Senators to stop this; I’ll be surprised if any of them exhibit the moral fiber necessary to buck the party line. Alternatively, a couple of nuts (e.g. Rand Paul) and a friend for whom these changes are not draconian enough, could be enough to block it. I’m not optimistic. Why do those poor people need medical care anyhow?
It’d be nice if the CBO included a prediction of how many people will die because of lack of healthcare if this atrocity passes.
But billionaires get a trillion dollar tax cut so they can stash even more money in their offshore accounts. Which is a good thing. Because as we all know, taxcuts for the wealthy always trickle down to the rest of us.
Signed - Medicaid-Dependent Trump Supporter.
Nope. Much more important for the party “win” than serving their constituencies. Even (especially?) those constituencies too stupid and angry to realize that they are getting screwed by their “representatives”.
I’m getting really tired of this.
Sounds like the Senate bill will kill fewer people than the House version.
Reminds me of what Gene McCarthy said about liberal Republicans (when there was such an animal): They go along to shoot the wounded.
Like I’ve said, they just straight up want their voters to die because they hate them. They want them to suffer because how dare the GOP suffer the indignity of having to pander to backward, uneducated, redneck losers instead of captains of industry and anyone who’s going to matter in twenty years.
Sounds like the senate bill will kill more people, but over a slightly longer time. I wonder at this point whether part of the idea is to lose, and then blame the democrats for raising taxes to reverse the cuts.
Before getting to the substance of the bill, two questions: What are they all looking at in that photo? And how did they all assume the same posture, head tilt and facial expression?
The answer to, “What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?”
“The Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.”
“The Better Not Get Sick Act of 2017.”
On a positive note, this “We Don’t Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” does give the Democrats a little more time to clean up the Republican’s fucking mess (or the fucking Republican’s mess) before it fully destroys millions of lives.
I love the tax breaks for poor folks to be able to write off what they pay for insurance when the people don’t have enough to pay for food and housing it the first fucking place.
WTF is wrong with these guys? Who the fuck do they think they are fooling and who are the fools that they are fooling? Just mind boggling.
Tax cuts means fewer resources which means less health insurance.
They can dice it differently, but the consequences are the same. They are cutting health resources for our citizens in real need.
And to think there was a time when a conservative would say “there is no such thing as a free lunch”.