Discussion: READ: Roger Stone Tells Judge He Needs Copy Of Mueller Report For Defense

I think they hold out some hope there’s something exculpatory in the report but that’s not the main goal. They want to put the SC on the record as resisting its release while Barr can help them by refusing to approve it. Stone can then whine about it in discovery while the shared goal of stalling is achieved.


Sure. If he shares

So let me guess - since Barr won’t release the report we can’t do a proper defense so it’s a mistrial.


Crazy bastard has delusions of grandeur.


I’m not kidding myself that these drongos are actually good at this, just trying to find a logical reason why Stone would even try this.

Okay, wait a minute, I think I see my problem now! :smirk:


He wants to read the Mueller Report. hahahahahahahahahaha Just like everybody else.

Remember when Manafort’s lawyers made a motion for the prosecutors to turn over all their evidentiary material so Manafort could figure out what he was actually charged with? It was denied.



Not so fast. Many members of parliament want to give the Swedes first dibs if they reopen the rape case against Assange.

More than 70 MPs and peers have signed a letter urging the home secretary to ensure Julian Assange faces authorities in Sweden if they want his extradition.

This is not a slam dunk for DOJ.


And apparently the victims’ lawyer is pushing to get the case reopened…


Stone is hoping to monetize access to the report.

He’s a dirty trickster who fancies himself an “information broker.” Now he’s just broke. Why not swing for the fences? If it works, he can spend the rest of his life cashing in on the presumption that he’s read the report. Republican political actors would line up around the block to pay him to make public statements that suggest the Mueller report implicates their enemies.

Fox Leg Model: Mr Stone, the Republican governor of Florida alleges that his opponent was an active conspirator in Russian hacking in 2016. You’ve read the report –

Stone: (smiling ruefully) No, I’ve never said that. My lawyers read it. And even if I had read it – all 403, single-spaced pages of it – I’m legally prevented from discussing its contents.

Fox Leg Model: Can you tell us anything?

Stone: Well… (smirking), I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be in her shoes once that report is finally released. Which I’ve been assured it will be, as soon as the audit is over. I can’t imagine how she intends to govern the state while running from the law, hiding in some non-extradition country.

Fox Leg Model: There you have it, folks. Judge for yourselves whether the Democratic candidate is a traitor to our flag.

Formally, it’s a page straight from the religious right. Invest some inscrutable document with ultimate wisdom, insist that only your agents can interpret it, charge plebs for the imprimatur of your blessing.

Oh hey – that’s where “imprimatur” comes from!


This general approach to legal defense is probably inhibiting leaking of the report, probably not because of Stone’s argument, but because of the potential argument that releasing it would be prejudicial to a fair trial (not that the argument has merit, but merit is a rather antiquated concept with these folks)

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Would it not be a hoot if the judge would order that Stone get an un-redacted copy but Congress is deigned by the AG…


Hey Roger… send me a copy. Unredacted… ok? I promise not to reveal sources or methods.


I also require a full and unredacted copy of the Mueller report in case the government decides to indict me. I promise I won’t share it with anyone else.


Boo fucking hoo Rog.


By George, I think you’ve got it! I’m always getting myself tangled up trying to find logic or reason in things those folks do, and every single time I end up feeling sheepish because… reasons. :smirk:


Give him a fake mueller report, and see where it turns up.



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Hahahahahahahahahaha… desperate times call for desperate measures, eh?


‘Donnie! Donnie! Over here!!! I’ll get this report but won’t RELEASE it if you toss some money my way OR PARDON me!!! Donnie!!!’


Stone would also like chocolate ice cream with sprinkles.