Discussion: READ: Republicans Go After IG Report That Criticized Trump DC Hotel Lease

That’s what jumped in my mind too. What bottom feeders.


Protect the criminal, put babies in cages


Article I, Section 9 “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

Article II, Section 1 … the president receives a salary while in office but “shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”

Done. BTW: I believe Trump “donates” his salary to various causes in the hope that somehow this eliminates the emoluments violation.


I hate how they fly up your nose and you end up blowing your nose into the lawn. Eccch.

These two have a long history of demanding information they come to regret demanding. They genuinely seem to believe that it’s all just a big fake bluff, so time and again, they march into the forge, plop their junk out onto the anvil and tell the blacksmith, “c’mon, I know you ain’t got no hammer!”


Jordan, Meadows, Graves, and Ron Johnson shows up to add his name. Hmmmm.

Don’t know much about Graves and would rather not know. But those other three? Bad Boyz.


Well played.


It’s a damn good thing they’re not in charge anymore. I guess it’s now a matter of playing to their deplorable voters back home.


Sure, if they find something juicy, they’ll leak it. If it just makes things worse, they’ll pretend they never asked for it in the first place and never mention it again (other than to block the Democrats from releasing it).

The GOP is an authoritarian party and their beliefs insist on following the leader, no matter what. Even if that leader is certifiable, they will continue to obey his whims. Their ideology doesn’t allow them to step away from the precipice, regardless of whether their base are nincompoops and chose a deranged furor [not sic].


It’s a well known axiom of litigation to never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer. The Trump GOP lackeys asking for information on Don the Con’s emoluments hotel in D.C. will now get information that likely harms their Cult Leader.

There’s no cure for stupid.


I wonder who’s advising them though. But again, they gotta keep the deplorables happier than pigs in slop.

It’s working so far.


“Checks and balances” isn’t a myth. It’s just been re-interpreted by the Republican Party.

They receive Checks from their donors and note the new Balances in their accounts before voting in line with those.


And then publish it so the Nazis can threaten the lives of their children


Interestingly, though, all letters in “cure” also appear in “coverup”…


Speaking of children, the ongoing horror of this country run by scumbags stealing children from their parents and insisting it would be too traumatic for the children to be reunited with them makes me want to scream!

No. No No. Don’t let them get away with it.

This is the kind of story that should take precedence over some others, TPM.


Just wait until they get the idea that detained immigrants would be traumatized by no longer being detained, so for their own well-being we need to keep them in detention…


Every Republic congressional action to stymie, thwart, slow-down, sandbag and/or repress efforts to get actionable evidence on the massive corruption that somehow passes for a presidential administration can be explained by one simple understanding. The Trump Administration, the Republic Party and the enemy state of Russia are engaged in an ongoing mega-criminal operation and cover-up to undermine American democracy for the benefit of a select few. How these folks, after solemn due process, don’t hang, get guillotined or perish via American-sanctioned firing squad on The Mall is beyond me,


It’s an “angry Democrat” hunt.

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If you were detained for doing nothing wrong without knowing if and when you would be free, wouldn’t you be traumatized?

They must be stopped.


dumbest US Senator AND Russian spy. Ron is a twofer!