Discussion: READ: Mueller Files Sentencing Memo Rebuttal To Michael Flynn

O that sounds lovely. I’m sure it does - there is nothing else like it. I do think it’s really special.

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From getting no jail time to now maybe going to jail. Flynn can thank his lawyers for that.


In other news, the Washington Post is reporting that Mattis has recommended Reince Priebus for a commission in the Naval Reserve as an Intelligence Officer.


That’s downright surreal.


Lock Him Up! The nerve of this man feeding false narratives to his conservative cohorts in the face of Mueller’s decency toward him!


Ahhhhhhh, but clay!

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In their own memo filed Tuesday, Flynn’s defense attorneys asked he be spared prison time for his “uncharacteristic error in judgment.”

Uncharacteristic error in judgment?” What about contracting, for millions, to kidnap and deliver to Turkey, for state-sponsored murder, a Permanent US Resident? Where on the “Characteristic”/“Uncharacteristic” error in judgment sprectrum would a scene like that fall?


So we still don’t know WHY Flynn lied to the FBI. He knew there were intercepts certainly. When WaPo broke the story, he seemed surprised that the intercepts had been seen. I wonder if he thought his boy-wonder Ezra Cohen-Watnick would have deep-sixed them somehow?


“Mueller notes that Flynn also falsely told the Washington Post, Vice President Mike Pence, then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer that he did not discuss sanctions with the then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. before President Trump took office.”

I’m not convinced that this is true. How do we know that Flynn didn’t tell Pence. Isn’t it just as likely that Pence lied about what Flynn told him? I believe we later learned that Flynn was communicating with many of the usual suspects (via texting KT McFarland) immediately before and after the call to Kislyak. We don’t have evidence that he told Pence, but I’m not sure we have evidence that he lied to Pence.

Does stating this with certainty limit Muellers options in future?

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Mattis may be abusing his power by politicizing navy intelligence. I hope the Navy keeps a close watch on Reince, who may be compromised. Reince worked closely with Erickson and Butina, Paul Ryan and Kislyak. Remember that it was Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan who were in charge of the Cleveland Convention. They were the ones that gave Ambassador Kislyak and members of the Mother Russia election intelligence team ringside seats to the Convention so that the plans to manipulate the election vote tallies and rig the outcomes could be coordinated in-person with other Russian confederates including Iwanka, Pence, Sessions, Manafort, Flynn, McConnell and Chao, Tillorsen, Wilbur Ross, Flynn Jr., Hicks and others.


Wow after reading Attachment A, there’s no doubt that Flynn’s lawyers did him no favors with this defense. Flynn knew what the FBI wanted to talk about, knew they probably had recordings of at least one call and, with his intelligence background, lied anyway?

Flynn will be lucky if Obama isn’t asked to explain why he warned tRump not to hire this guy.

Flynn’s lawyers are lucky if he doesn’t sue for malpractice.

tRump is fucked either way.

Why did he lie to the FBI when he had good reason to suspect there were intercepts?

The lies he told the agents were things he and others in the administration had already been saying in public, so in a way his choices were constrained (“Oh, what a tangled web we weave / When first we practise to deceive!”).

Yes, there were intercepts, but on the other hand if he could just talk fast enough, and after all these two guys who had come to see him looked friendly and amenable …

In other words, he may have been propelled by ego or lack of intelligence, and by the need to keep his story “straight.”

(And no, contrary to the howling we hear from right-wingers, there was no “entrapment” or “perjury trap.”)

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This isn’t The Onion?

First, Priebus is not intelligent
Second, Priebus should not be within 12,000 kilometers of United States Intelligence
Third, Priebus has lawyered up months ago for a reason


If it hadn’t been Flynn, they would have found some other military nutter to do it.

For poetic justice if no other kind, an overnight lockup is necessary. Bonus effect, lock down Flynn’s cooperation, i.e., "assuming that the defendant continues to accept responsibility for his actions.”

Paying attention, Judge Sullivan?

It is pretty well established that ignorance of the law is no defense.

On the other hand, military personnel are subject to UCMJ and courts martial.

A retired Lt. Gen. should know the Code of Military Justice. I believe with all the oaths he has taken in his tenure from his first contact with the military to his final position as Sec. HS. should have ingrained in him integrity, honor and honesty. Aparrently they were just words and a kubuku dance for him. It seems during his military he should have sat on court martials. And would know about lying to prosecutors. Has his lawyer handled cases before?

My wife loved pottery and like you couldn’t do it for a living. She started again at 55, is your age, 67, (to my 61) and is selling well now. It’s never too late to do what you love. She just spent 6 hours yesterday working a shift for a 7 day Anagama kiln, with a 75 year old friend. The kids (30’s) take the night shifts, leaving the “old ladies” the day shifts. Find the potters in your community, and have some fun!

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