Discussion: READ: GOPers Urge RNC To Cut Off Funding To Trump In Open Letter

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The signatures read like a job resume–like they are preparing documentation for the future, “Don’t blame me, I tried.”


They should have thought about this during the primaries and gone after Trump to prevent him from getting the nomination, but they were too craven and cowardly to risk alienating their base. Have fun with that whirlwind!


Among the letter’s 123 signees are two current members of Congress…

Two whole members? A bit of a misleading headline perhaps?


Some Republicans are now realizing their ENTIRE PARTY have been conned as the “useful idiots” of a Russian FSB psy-ops campaign to politically weaken American and NATO and are jumping overboard off of the “SS Trumptanic” as fast as they can in the hope the stink of TREASON won’t stick to them.
This goes very, very deep into the FOX News entity (Rupert Murdoch’s former WIFE is now Putin’s girlfriend?) and needs to be investigated by the FBI/Homeland Security.
This could get verrrrrrry interesting!


in order to “save the Republican Party.”

“save our Congressional asses” FIFY

Too late, assholes.


TOTAL BS. It’s NOT even ON LETTERhead. NO RAised SEAL. Everybody lOVEs TRUMP Bigly anD HIS sound POLICY advice, HE’s WAY ahead in the POLEs and HE’s GOT HUGE, BEauTIFUL CrowDs WHO FLOCK from ALL COrners OF THE GLOBe to lISTEN to HIM talk About CrooKED hiTLARY and ALL THE PRess, WHO BY THE waY ARE alL GOING OUT OF BUsiness BECause they LIE.


Donald Trump is losing bigly because Donald Trump is a loser. We like winners. We want to be winners. We can’t be winners with Donald Trump because he is such a huge loser that he’s making us all lose. Please stop helping Donald Trump try to win because he can’t. Believe me. It’s amazing what a loser Donald Trump is. People don’t like him. People are saying he’s dating his daughter. We don’t know if that’s true, but people are saying. And people don’t like losers like Donald Trump. So, please quit giving Loser Donald our money. We need our money to be winners.


Interesting that they’re all “formers”, but this “former” bushie cabinet member, Carlos Gutierrez, commerce secretary takes it a step further and says he’s voting for Clinton.

Gutierrez said Clinton would “make a darned good president” based on her “experience,” while the thought of a Trump presidency makes him “afraid.”


I think that’s it exactly. It took years of deliberate effort to get “the base” to the state they’re in now, feeling betrayed by everyone and everything, and here’s betting most if not all of the signers offered at least tacit approval when they thought it was helping them. Something like this little letter isn’t going to hit the reset button. As @humpback said, this reads more like an exercise in ass-coverage. It’s like they’re trying to counter that whirlwind with a little battery-powered fan…


I don’t need any endorsements by LOSERS! I don’t need any effort to GOTV–people love me! Blacks love me! Mexicans Love me! Women love me! Just look at Ivanka over there! Isn’t she great? She LOVES ME!


Even if these guys are - or was - not prominent at the national level, it could have an impact at the local level. Could do some good for HRC in swing-states

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The pivot is going to be awesome. You just wait.


Wow, it took them this long to say what we’ve been saying from day one? Obviously they are all incompetent and should never be hired for anything more complex than fast food counter service again (and even then, only a place with a very limited menu).


The most beautiful pivot you’ve every seen! It will be yuuge! And Mexico and China will pay for it!

Blah…so that was a weak attempt at snark. I must have election fatigue.


And the classiest! Don’t forget classiest!


Nope, it’s not working for me. I’m numb now. Maybe that’s the real plan. Exhaust democrats with snarking fatigue so much so that we hardly even care to vote.

What am I saying?!?!? Somebody slap me!

(No, I’m not into that. No, not that either! Jeez people, I meant it metaphorically!)


The RNC has “limited resources?” You mean “small hands,” don’t you?