Ms. Deng has denied it. Is there proof that she is Putin’s girlfriend?
I can’t help but notice that pretty much everyone who signed is a person who’s been primaried or forced out of active involvement in Republican politics by the oligarch-funded hard right astroturf movement that made Trump’s base what it is today. People with nothing to lose. And, apparently, people hoping to tie the Trump anchor rope around the necks of the people who made the Republican base what it is today and step into their shoes once they’re on their way to Davy Jones’ Locker.
For Trump, the pivot is the trap-door hinge under the hangman’s noose–if used, certain death.
And gilded like my winningest classy Trump chairs, and that’s a pivot we can all get behind.
Look at the cockroaches, scurrying back into the shadows once Trump shined the light on what it was they’ve been doing for the last 50 years. I’m sick of pretending these people are taking a bold, courageous stand. For the most part, these people created Trump’s based with years of dog whistle racist, southern strategy politics. Fuck 'em all.
Or… we are officially applying Political Fabreeze to inoculate ourselves against the Trump Stank®™ that follows everything he touches
Wow…the list of signatories reads like a who’s who of GOP douchebaggery and they’re making a good case that Trump is an even lower form of life than they themselves are. It’s like a bunch of scabies denouncing a ring worm.
It’s wildly pleasing to see the GOP self destruct.
My happiness, however is tempered by this article by Thomas Frank (“What’s The Matter With Kansas”):
“With Trump certain to lose, you can forget about a progressive Clinton”
And Trump is certain to lose.
They donate money for all over the globe too…which is another whole set of problems, but you rock on with what you got going on for now
Did you check the kerning? That clinched it for me.
They want him to lose, because it will be easier to attempt to rebuild from this as the opposition party, than it would be to recover from 4 disastrous years of Trump as their head. Its a simple as that.
Note that only 2 elected officials signed this…because elected officials still have to get re elected, which means dealing with a whole of Trump supporters voting in their base.
Trump: “Bunch of no-name, no-fame, LOSERS!” We will win in November and I will do everything they said in that letter…to THEM! Backstabbing Trump. No loyalty to the GOP. SAD!"
I’m confused. Does the RNC work for Drumpf raising money for him, or does Drumpf work for the RNC is raising money for others? Anyone? Bueller??