Discussion: READ: Full Text Of Gov. Haley's GOP Response To State Of The Union

Discussion for article #244590

I would have bet money that the GOP would have tried to put a different face on. Nope.

She might as well be an angry old Tea Party guy.


I suspect Dan Quayle’s opinion is far more appropriate.


News flash: Nikki Haley, the daughter of immigrants is against immigrants coming to our shores. She’s pathetic. Really a lightweight.


“…in the history of man. And woman.”

Wait, did she just lay down some political correctness? I suppose it almost makes up for the ‘our blacks don’t riot’ bit.


I think she gave a perfectly fine response. That being said I take issue with her ‘points’. The GOP would have you believe that 8 years ago they did not leave us gasping at the economy and that the President did nothing to get us away from that. That somehow after years of the GOP doing nothing, giving healthcare to millions was a bad thing and they could do BETTER . I’m sure the base will suck this up and not understand a single word of the President’s last point.


In fairness she did the best response over the past 7 years. She’s definitely in the spectrum of normal. If she were paired with a Kasich as nominee, they could be extremely competitive in a general election scenario. I say that as a Democrat. But that scenario is highly unlikely in today’s GOP.

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She actually had more good to say than any other GOTP apologist has over the course of Obama’s presidency. I was pleasantly surprised other than her not having the integrity to acknowledge his accomplishments but that would be too much to expect and I might not have slept well tonight had she done so…

I especially like her thinly disguised shots at tRUMP.


Yes I could read it or watch it. I could slam my dick in a car door as well.


Tell us how you got ahead, Haley…

so tired of the discussion veering to prayer. it’s horseshit and it needs to be called out. “all the guidance we need” was clearly a call to read the holly bibble. she should go back to being a self-loathing… whatever she is. lunacy


She’d set the stage correctly “I’m the child of immigrants who didn’t look like their neighbors” and then come to the most obviously incorrect conclusion “don’t allow immigrants in”.

It’s hard to write a coherent speech when your entire life story is a rejection of what your party stands for.


“We removed a symbol that was being used to divide us, and we found a strength that united us against a domestic terrorist and the hate that filled him

But just months before, during her 2014 reelection campaign, she dismissed calls from her opponent, state Sen. Sheheen, to remove the flag. “What I can tell you is over the last three-and-a-half years, I spent a lot of my days on the phones with CEOs and recruiting jobs to this state,” she said during an October debate. “I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.”

Two days after the shooting, she told CBS anchor Gayle King that while the “conversation” about the flag would “probably come back up again,” it was too early “to start having policy conversations with the people of South Carolina.”


So is she angling for a VP position?

It would be a good choice by the Republicans. I feel like being allowed the SOTU response was probably a trial balloon by the Republican party.

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I’ll pass, thanks.

As he did when he first ran for office, tonight President Obama spoke eloquently about grand things. He is at his best when he does that.

“Unfortunately, the President’s record has often fallen far short of his soaring words.

… was there a SINGLE Rethug talking head tonight who did NOT respond, within 30 seconds of being asked by “the liberal media”, that the President was basically full of hot air and pretty words…???



Maybe she’s seeing America through rose colored glasses, I don’t know but her recollections aren’t accurate in the least. People still remember how the Republicans left this nation and those that are supposedly still struggling know why and when that happened.

She’s trying to church up the past and real history of her Party and maybe it works that way in her head but when the Republicans have had their shot, they screw the whole nation, bar a few rich white dudes, and the pains that people feel are like a giant, sickening hangover from Bush and Reagan days gone by.


Why wasn’t she in the clown car? She would have won

Oh, she may speak well, and dress up nice for parties. But I suspect she’s just as batshit crazy as the maniacal fruitcake but reasonable sounding Paul Ryan.


Apparently she is catching all manner of hell for departing from the boilerplate Republican narrative by GOTP punditry.

Unless I was dreaming I even heard her use the term “Domestic Terrorists”.