Discussion: Ratcheting Up Feud At Rally, Trump Says 'I Know Things' About Tester

Trump is about to reveal that Sen Tester paid off a porn actress $130K to keep quiet about an affair.


It’s possible with the magic of malignant narcissism.


“Miscreant” , “Dotard” , and my own favorite - “Odious”. The words just roll off the tongue like an afternoon of “Shakespeare in the Park” at a summer Renaissance Faire…


The Resident has no clothes.


I say we go for the nuclear option and Triple-Dog-Dare him.


“Army of bog people.” EXCELLENT!

I have to use it on a regular basis. My people will contact your people for royalty check info.


Nah, they were chanting “noob!” You see, in Trumplandia this is considered a badge of honor…


El Dotardo de Mar-A-Lardass is now Toilet-Tweeting that the WHCD was a “very big, boring bust”.
Yes, Donald. The WHCD was such a “very big, boring bust” that everyone and their mother and their grandmother is talking about it instead of talking about the supposed dirt you have on Senator Jon Tester, since they know you don’t have anything incriminating on Sen. Tester, because they know what a blatant and bloated liar you are and have always been.
Funny, though. “Very big, boring bust” is what he usually says about women who won’t put out for him.


The problem is not that these people vote, it’s that so many others don’t. Shame on anyone who says, as they get past the primaries, anything like “they’re all the same” , “it’ll help bring the revolution” or “I can’t be bothered”. Elections have consequences, it’s our collective duty to take them seriously…


Just like those “investigators” he claimed he sent to Hawaii to check out Obama’s brith certificate. “They can’t believe what they’re finding!” he usual B.S. “like the world has never seen.”


How much longer is this guy going to drag America into his cesspool?


Agreed the headline is over the top, but the reporting is as neutral as the reporting from WaPo, NYT and the Guardian, and they too pointed out that Wolf had caused a furor… But headline writer and reporters are two different creatures.

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He’s going to say that Mueller is the one who colluded with Russia and should be indicated. Its easy to make baseless accusations when you have no morals.


Great line from Michelle Wolf at the correspondents’ dinner.

I’m a woman so you cannot shut me up. Unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000.”


Have we reached the 19-month mark in his administration? That’s how long it took from RMN’s second inauguration to the day he resigned. Cohen is likely going to be indicted within three months, and PP’s final unraveling will begin at that time because Cohen’s going to do what he has to to save his ass.


More impotent dominance-ritual from the Orange Orangutan.

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Trumps favorite WHINE. I want to go to Mar Largo.

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All tRump has is empty threats. Tester can do what Comey did and call tRump out, do nothing, or laugh him off. The state GOP is waiting to see how Tester handles it. One thing is sure, tRump is hoping to pull Tester off his game, and this attack has risks. tRump just might remind Montana how little tRump is getting done for them (or anyone not named Trump).

Donnie “Two-Scoops” gonna order a tape hit. Bet Tester is quacking and shaking under that Big Sky

Interesting. Thank you for your perspective.

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