Trump says he knows things.
I am skeptical.
Same old tired line.
But as long as you brought it up, what does Mueller know about you, Donnie?
So, once again, the eternal Gasbag is gaslighting.
I wonder when he’s going to start lighting his brain farts on TV.
That should be good for ratings.
Oh, puhleez. If Rump has some dimes to drop on Tester, then Mueller has $5.00 bills to drop on Rump.
You know jack, ass.
So what, did Vlad give you his emails too?
Lookie, the fat orange bully found a new target to poke,
Bring it on, fat boy. You are going down hard.
How did you learn these alleged things, Two Scoops? Did you send investigators to Montana and they can’t believe what they’re finding out? Tester laughs at you, loser, and puts another non-Trump steak on the grill.
I’d also like to know something about the crowd. How big it was. How raucous. Old groupies. New groupies. Any falloff as Trump played his biggest hits from yesteryear? Coverage in the local press? Michigan politicians in attendance? In other words, those things that can give us some insights into the Michigan
political landscape beyond Trump’s always insightful comments about his sometime political opponents.
It really gets under the skin of the Mango Menace when things don’t go his way, doesn’t it? Ah the schadenfreude
Trump is a one trick pony and his act is getting tiresome.
I’ve noticed a distinct increasing trend in the use of the word “miscreant” in speech and writings about “Trumplandia” Ever since Trump was installed by the EC, it has become quite common in articles and blogs. And I like to think, that I, myself, have given a boost to a wonderful word, that seems to have been lurking patiently in the far reaches of the dictionary, for this moment in history: the degenerate Trump Regime and it’s army of bog people.
I think I saw the “Black Guy” there. Wonder how much they spent on new hats for the rubes
Dumbass is always there, conveniently in the line of the cameras.
I assume Tester’s response, if he even bothers with one, is to tell Trump to man up and tell us what he knows. Calling a well known liar’s bluff is the easiest way to get him to shut up, for a minute.
Also to the article’s author/editor, a feud implies both sides are angry and fighting, only Trump is doing that. Tester was doing his job as an elected official and doing the proper background review of Trump’s nominee that too many other Congress people (all in the GOP conveniently) don’t do.
And we have North Korea to thank for the resurrection of the long-forgotten “dotard.”
If we’re truly fortunate, we’ll see Trump hoist with his own dotard.
I agree. Empty seats? Long lines to get in? No line to get in? How have these changed in the last year? Any reports on this? Obviously the Orange Orangutan has kept his core base of followers, but what attrition has there been?
I’ll repeat what I’ve said since the election: as long as the voters are willfully ignorant and act stupid there will be many many Trumps in the future. We have sunk to a point where everything is just a game, a tribe, a reality show. Nuclear codes in the hand of the insane? Sure its fun to watch. A retired military friend of mine (serious guy) said in a recent conversation that he liked Trump because “it pisses off the liberal media.” Even in his mind that is a good enough reason for the actual crazy leadership of the worlds largest military (not to mention destruction of years of world order).
This is nothing.
Wonder how he’s going to threaten Robert Mueller when the Special Counsel issues a report (or an indictment)?