Discussion: Ratcheting Up Feud At Rally, Trump Says 'I Know Things' About Tester

Chris Cillizza’s lead at CNN was absolutely insane. He still believes the cables did not elect Trump with their hours and hours, billions of dollars of free air time for Trump rallies- it was on all the cables last night too!

“He has helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you are profiting from him.” - Michelle Wolf

Cillizza: “The first sentence there is 100% right…
The second sentence I take some issue with. Yes, cable ran Trump’s primary speeches because he said and did things that no one else would do – and that people would watch…
But that, to me, is different than “creating” Trump. Donald Trump’s candidacy was formed and sharpened by an angry and embittered GOP electorate who was sick of their own party, of Washington, of the media, of everything. He was rising whether the media covered him wall to wall or not; he was the angry id of the GOP. The media didn’t create that.”

Yes, Chris, you deluded man, the media helped create Trump. Just stop it.


Most of them are OK too, though a few of them are… troublesome.


you might try pill pockets - a sort of faux meat envelope you put the pill into -we’ve had a 50% success rate with that

Veselnitskaya is definitely expendable. I actually wrote this to Josh a long while back that she would become expendable for Putin at some point. For Vladimir, the Trump relationship was always transactional and measured by a cost benefit analysis. It was a very low cost to help Trump win the election with a high payoff. The worst that would’ve happened to Putin had HRC won is more sanctions. With Trump as POTUS, Vladimir has been angling to get his wish list done: weaken or break up NATO, get control of Syria, swing North Korea out of the American orbit, lift sanctions, build ties with Arab elites to expand the use of nuclear power and the Russian footprint there, and just piss off Americans for his amusement.

If you look at this list, the results have been a mixed bag. He can definitely claim success in NK. There can be little doubt that Russia played its part to juice Kim’s nuclear program to put him in a position to successfully blackmail and break apart the US-Asian alliance. But now the ball is in the hands of the South Korean government and they are moving as quickly as they can to cut their own deal with Kim, allow him to stay as a totalitarian, nuclear power and cease hostilities while angling for a reduction in US troop presence. Mission accomplished.

On NATO - while Trump whines about it, Mattis has been pretty strong at stopping Trump from messing with the alliance. Macron has also taken on a leadership role to hold the alliance together and to be the new alpha dog of NATO. On that one, mission not accomplished.

Syria - This was probably the single greatest tragic consequence of HRC not winning the election. Within days of Trump’s victory, Putin flattened Aleppo and has continued to advance Assad’s total control of the country. While Assad has inflicted a lot of pain and tragedy he does not yet have full political control and even less legitimacy. That said, the US has no effective counterweight there because Trump keeps diminishing the Kurds, enables Putin to crush the moderate Sunni opposition, and the Al-Qaeda/Al Nusra/ISIS guys are in the tank with Putin. Yet, Mattis has stuck around in Syria and has kept a foothold there. Here, I’d say Mission advanced but not yet complete. But Syria is a basket case of a country that costs a lot to manage, so is that really ‘winning’? I just feel for the people of Syria, whose future would be so much brighter had Hillary won. She had a clear idea of how she was going to deal with the Russians there. Trump has none, and he’s letting ISIS back into the game in Iraq and Syria. This is a tragedy with long-term consequences. On this one, the results are inconclusive and the benefits may be outweighed by the costs.

Lifting Sanctions - Trump has been an abysmal failure here. This has to annoy Putin greatly.

Building Arab Ties - Without lifting sanctions, Russia can’t get into the game. Trump has been milking the Arab contacts in UAE and Saudi Arabia for his own financial benefit, but it’s not advancing Putin’s agenda particularly well. Mission not accomplished.

Russia is getting an edge in Afghanistan, but he can’t quite get Trump to withdraw troops. Then there’s the blowback risk on Iran, the curbs on the oligarchs, additional sanctions and Magnitsky style acts popping up everywhere, and international ostracism. Within Russia, I suspect the consensus view is that Trump isn’t worth it. You hear those comments poke through the state owned media every now and then. That drumbeat could be growing louder.

One could make a reasonable argument from a Russian nationalist perspective that Trump has outlived his usefulness. The decision is in Putin’s hands, but one has to wonder if Putin senses that he can only go so far with Trump and still maintain legitimacy at home.


Did you point out to your friend, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, Wilson, etc. who are not ‘liberals’ and are horrified that this idiot is the President?


Take back our country!

Run for office- and run FOR something! Don’t just run against Trump. You’ll either be preaching to the choir or confirming, in some people’s minds, that ‘the elites’ are out to get their man.

Get REAL specific, too. You want to run on jobs or healthcare reform or the new landfill? You must have a plan. Show what’s needed and show how to make it work. THEN point out the differences between having a plan and vague promises to work on a plan “very soon”.

This site, https://www.runforoffice.org/, allows you to enter your ZIP code and see what offices are available to you and the filing window for that office. They also have a few video short-courses on running a campaign. In my state you file for office during a 1-week period in May.

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. Meet your neighbors and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump, and half of all voters stayed home last November. HALF! Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 6 years. Make sure they’re prepared.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly. And get on your Planning Commission.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020 when we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Make them fair and open. Trump is ALREADY trying to rig the census- talk about ‘voter fraud’!

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led voter-run-around campaign help them do that. This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive. Or even sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table. Yes, that’s the American Association of University Women. And while we’re here organize a League of Women Voters chapter in your community if you don’t already have one. Fair, honest and above board. Democracy functions better with them involved.

Civics, civility and civilization all share the same roots.


You and your evil and idiotic supporters can have rallies all day every day while the rest of us go to work to pay for your nonsense. At some point we’re just going to have to round you all up and put you in kneepads and get you fixing our pot holes. So enjoy your moment in the sun. Dusk is just a few months away.


So why was stupid rally covered on not just one C-SPAN channel but to? And there was no coverage from C-SPAN on the correspondence dinner, why? I was interested in the correspondence dinner not stupid rally. Should we now include C-SPAN and state run TV ? I am very upset about this. I tried watching it on MS NBC or CNN and all there was was a panel of Pondens discussing what Donald said it is rally, we’re tired of you are covering stupid and his tweets 24 seven.


LOL! What a maroon! As if a guy like Tester isn’t going to throw this right back in his face. He’ll probably organize a town hall and invite Trump there to read the accusations in front of his constituents.
What an idiot!


“I know things about Tester that I could say, too, and if I said them, he’d never be elected again"

Then say it. SAY IT. After all, many people are saying it, right? Everyone knows it, right?



Just donated to Tester.


My read is that it was Putin giving a yank to the wandering dog’s choke chain.

And I find it remarkable that in the same rally where he’s admitting Veselnitskaya is a Russian agent he free associates to "I know things about Tester that I could say, too, and if I said them, he’d never be elected again[.]”

These aren’t two random outbursts. They’re psychologically directly related. At the moment when Putin is signalling that Trump has crossed him and warning him that he knows things about Trump that, if revealed, means he’d never be elected again (and yeah, Trump really thinks he’ll still be president and he’ll be reelected–he hates the job but the idea of rejection by the voters is unbearable), we have Trump blurting out about a man whose existence he never noticed before that he knows things, things he has to keep secret, or else Tester will never be elected.

And I once again find myself amazed both about what an undergraduate pscyh textbook case he is and at how everyone who had any psychology courses as an undergrad doesn’t see it. Maybe they all do. Maybe I’m just overestimating how many people took a psychology class or two in college.


No “serious” human would like Trump because he pisses off the liberal media. He’s not serious, he’s just as sociopathic and delusional as the rest of the deplorables. He’s confused. I’m tired of confused people sapping the energy from the nation.


How is it possible that one individual could be so lacking in self-awareness? There’s a whole highlight roll of 45 boasts that have no grounding in reality and he just keeps on with them. It’s beyond my comprehension.


It could also be as simple as getting ahead of the Mueller investigation. If Putin knew the information was going to come out shortly anyway (e.g. a possible indictment with supporting information) then he might have figured to get some mileage out of it while he could. Or, as you say, he’s burning the asset. Which is roughly as useful to him as having the asset, since his goal is to weaken the US. (The only thing I think he doesn’t understand is that weakening a strongman president is not necessarily weakening the country.)


I believe brain farts require a brain, however.


I’d love to hear a psychologist explain the path His Orangeness so often follows, in which he claims to have power, knowledge, etc., and threatens someone with it. Then his not using it makes him magnanimous, the benevolent wielder of power who deigns to let people carry on. Predictable and sick.


Burn the asset, watch him continue his downward psychological spiral and increase of the chaos, and smile as the U.S. continues to further divide as its institutions of government and society stretch to the point of coming apart at the seams.

And work on the cultivation of other assets that are already compromised.


“Ah, my dear fellow, you can’t fool us that way–you can’t fool us. It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to look as if he had a great secret in him.”

-Herman Melville

Run for office, register people to vote then get to the polls! THAT is how we change things in America.


I don’t know about fall off from previous events in that area, but I found u-tube video called something like “Michigan rally 2018 crowd size.” I don’t know how to post a link from my phone. The arena holds 5000. It is an indoor soccer gym.

5000 ain’t many.