Rand Paul should be required to question Hillary if she gets subpoenaed. If that happened she would roll this little weak ass daddy’s boy destroying his 2016 WH hopes and solidifying hers in one swoop
They better subpeona Hillary. That is the whole point of this charade.
Rand is as crazy, bigoted, racist and clueless as his crazy, bigoted, racist and clueless father. Flush them both down the drain!
Niether Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie or Rand Paul will be the GOP Presidential Nominee.
Doesn’t this imply that the last GOP-led committee was incompetent and this now needs to be reinvestigated? Because talking about ObamacareObamacareObamacare blew up in our faces, so now we have to talk about BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi to distract people from the fact that we have absolutely no interest in legislating.
Aqua Buddha will not be satisfied until the committeh issues subpoenas for teh Cookie Monster and Richard Simmons.
I don’t think it really matters at this point. The TP has already successfully moved the party so far to the right that whether their candidates win or lose, they still win. They still win because the debate has been moved so far in their direction that Republicans are no longer talking about cutting Medicare, they’re now voting on budgets that would essentially end Medicare. Even if their chosen candidates lose, the establishment candidates are just as far right as the TP guys. Plus, the damage is already done in the Senate. Guys like Paul, Cruz, Lee, etc will be around for at least another two years. And it’s not just the actual pols that have moved so far atop Bullshit Mountain, the base has too. The average Republican voter is as wide-eyed and stupid as the average TPer. The TP won’t die because the TP IS the Republican Party. Even when it’s dead, the TP will live on as a zombie snacking on the brains of the Republican Party.
Sure, the mainstream media attention is turning toward Jeb but Republican polling shows the voters are turning away from him. He was pilloried by the right wing media for his comments about immigration reform and common core. That, and he’s a Bush. Many Republicans blame W’s policies for helping to elect PBO and they weren’t exactly thrilled with HW raising taxes. Plus, he married outside his race. The more I think about it, the more I can’t think of one compelling reason Republican voters would nominate him.
You cancervatives are going to prosecute Hillary right into the White House. You know this, right?
PURE FREAKIN’ POLITICS, Randy looking for more attention.
And “some big mistakes” were voted into Congress “under Hillary Clinton’s watch.” “We [definitely] need to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”!!!
Why don’t you go out help the “job creators.” Aren’t there some mountaintops in Appalachia that need a good bull-dozing to release the coal?
How about 9-11 asshole?
This MF has some nerve.
I seriously doubt your beloved Cruz is even going to throw his hat into the ring…and its very doubtful that he could win the nomination either…and he has zero chance of winning the white house. Cruz v. Hilary would probably result in an even bigger electoral victory than what was seen in 2012.
Here is a scenario to consider then…Christie is out of the race. Rubio is out of the race. Cruz is not getting in the race. Paul continues to show his thin skin and amateurish status by getting cornered on any number of controversial topics he is prone to let dribble out of his mouth. (At some point the media is going to start hardening their stance on his rebuttals to his inane utterings).
So what’s left? Walker, Bush, Huckabee, Perry…and who? Perry and Walker each will be carrying their own basket of litigation baggage with them into the primaries. Perry still can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
Bush and Huckabee are going to be the two big players, with the possibility of Walker or someone even more unknown, pacing them as a darkhorse candidate. But Bush will be in the mix, given how things look today.
And remember, the power people in the GOP can add up the numbers on an electoral map, too. They are fully aware that there will be no path to the White House for them that doesn’t include FL. And while Jeb doesn’t move it into the win column,he does make it more competitive than the other options.