Discussion: Rand Paul Wants Hillary Clinton Subpoenaed By Benghazi Committee

I highly doubt Jeb will even run. Even if he did, he couldn’t win the primary. They’re not going to nominate a common core loving, pro-amnesty, Bushie anymore than they would’ve nominated Chris Christie. Jeb keeps popping up to test the water, to see if the base has gotten any less crazy. They slap him down harder and harder every time.


Dh…that’s one of the main reasons they 're forming the select committee.



It’s been reported that the big money donors are slowly but surely turning away from Christie, the bridge thing, and looking towards Jeb, and none of the others are even being considered by those same donors. As someone else said, in a different context, follow the money…

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I loved Howard Dean’s observation “They’re not all crazy, just a significant portion of them.”


I dunno’, it’s reasonable to hold a debate between Clinton and Paul in this format. Can you imagine if they were in a real debate on real issues and he couldn’t be on a dias with a fellow Republican running the topic of discussion? Now that just wouldn’t be fair to Rand Paul.

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Rand is selling himself as dark and white meat. Let’s talk turkey and money so hold the tuna.


Republicans are finally cutting to the chase, the sole purpose of the Benghazi committee is to demonize Hillary in hopes of damaging her presidential aspirations. How republicans can waste the peoples time and money, and not pay a political price for doing it is beyond me.


She can handle anything a House Republican has.


The House should get one bite of the apple. If the Select Committee wants her testimony they can read her Issa Committee testimony.

Rand, how many US lives were lost in Iraq and how many innocent Iraqi lives were lost in Iraq? Since the Iraq war was based on lies who is going to take responsibility for that? And when?

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The big money guys are looking to Jeb because there’s literally no other credible candidate out there. Without Christie, there really is only Jeb or perhaps Romney could run again. All the money in the world isn’t going to move the GOP base to vote for a candidate who backs both amnesty and common core. Plus, thanks to the gutting of campaign finance laws, candidates don’t really need the establishment’s big money donors. They just need a couple of billionaires with wide open wallets. 2016 will be the year the TP will finally get it’s candidate.

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He got his butt handed to him by rachel maddow, what makes him think he’d be able to debate, i mean question Hillary at this mock presidential debate, I mean mock kangaroo court, I mean mock special committee.

These TPers are trying to pretend Issa is their own Kent Starr, running down rabbit holes looking for anything to hang a Clinton on. They keep claiming that Bengazi is their Watergate, in reality it is their MonicaGate… (fake trumped up case that they can rally their red blood hungering followers want)


I saw somewhere that the big GOP money guys are looking at Jeb, Christie, and Hillary.

Maybe he thinks she’ll just decide not to run. I think it might have the opposite effect.

In regards to this committee…at this point, what difference would it make?

Hey Randy, be careful what ya wish for.
Just sayin’.

Gotta disagree with you on this one. Christie imploding and the tea party support starting to wane (they aren’t polling very well in their big races), the money and attention is turning towards Jeb.

Well, Jeb and Huckabee. That’s the one I think that really has Jeb up late at night right now. Jeb cannot afford to run and lose the nomination. If he does, his political career is completely over. Its better for him to sit on the sidelines 4 more years than it would be to lose the nomination to Huckabee.

Jeb will run. And he is a threat.

2014 will be the best predictor for how much influence the TP will be having on the nomination. And my guess is, 2014 is not going to be kind to the TP. Their money is drying up, the candidates are washing up, and their supporters are disappearing.

But you are right. Jeb is staking out policy grounds that are blasphemy to what the right has been feeding their base for 10 years. He is leaving far too much space between those policies and say, Paul, for any number of other candidates to swoop in and grab that ground. A candidate like Huckabee or Walker.

“In a hypothetical matchup with Jeb Bush for the 2016 presidential race, HRC was favored by 53% of registered voters, Bush by 41%.” WaPO/ABC News poll from last week.