Discussion for article #222440
Give it up, you’ll never be president.
Go ahead, Teakkklanners. Haul a lion into a pen of sheep.
Randy, hon, you will never, ever, ever be president but please stay with this line of attack. It only marginalizes your party and base while providing Hillary with a future line of attack when she points out the number of times you and your ilk voted against increased embassy security funding. “This do nothing Congress did nothing and 4 people, including my good friend, Ambassador Chris Stevens, lost their lives because of it” would be a pretty devastating line in a debate.
What about all those embassies around the world that were attacked under George W. Bush that killed hundreds of people. Where are the hearings on those??? The reason why Benghazi happened is because congress did nothing about the funding for security for embassies and consulates. I think we know where the blame and the fault is. If there would have been hearings under George W. Bush we might have done more to keep embassies and consulate’s security funded.
Of course - that is the whole point of the committee, isn’t it?
Yes! And why don’t the Democrats let that ride and fail tobring this up?
She already testified before the Issa committee. Your kin dissed her but now you want another crack at a public flogging?
If there are misgivings then the loonies should help paint the picture. Why stop with Hillary, call Bill, W and Cheney
Why not review the 13 other incidents since 2000 under W. If we really want to look silly call your Dad, Bolton and Oliver North.
You know what is funny…in 2008, they spent so much time going after Hilary Clinton that when Obama came along and won, they were shocked. Anyone feel like history is repeating itself?
Because, you know, that wouldn’t look too politically motivated, would it?
But, but what about the Ukraine, the economy and not wasting our time and hard earned money!?
And Hillary will tell the “Select Committee” to shove the subpoena up its lying ass, and her poll ratings will go up against every potential Republican rival - 20 points against Rand Paul.
It’ll be HRC and Jeb; she’s favored by 53% of registered voters, Jeb by 41%. The rest of the asshats can just turn out the lights, the party’s over.
No, I’ll have tuna on rye toast. And a pickle on the side. Quartered.
Thank you. Oh, forgot, a side of slaw also.
Absolutely, because this pompous, self-important little pipsqueak, Rand Paul, wasn’t squashed by Secretary Clinton has time he thought he could browbeat the response he wanted from her. Go for it, it is the only platform you will every get because you will never, never be close enough to the White House to use the men’s room.
It is amazing that the ASPCA hasn’t gone after the TeaPubs for continuing to abuse a dead horse.
Benghazi is a Republican lie.
Last week’s Republican lie: Obamacare is bad for you.
Only if you happen to be white and ordering at Rand’s fantasy diner…