Discussion: Rand Paul: Romney Running In 2016 Would Be 'The Definition Of Insanity'

Discussion for article #232077

So, somebody refresh my recollection. How many times did his daddy run for president . . .?


No, it was insane the second time he ran. This time is just charming.


Rand Paul, on Fox News, discussing insanity? Experts from the inside on that topic.
Actually, the entire Republican Party’s list of candidates who would like to run for president is the definition of insanity; none of them are at all rational.

Once again, the internecine Repub/TeaBag war is delicious. Oh, and, it’s also insane! Please proceed, Governor!

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Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results describes the Republican Party; not just Mitt Romney.


“Insanity”?!? People said Harold Stassen was mad, too! But he showed them.


Counting the times he ran as a Libertarian?


I didn’t know that insanity runs in certain circles of those destined for oblivian until, well, NOW!!! lol lol

Please TPM, don’t force me to choose between these two assholes, Mitwit RMoney and Poodlehead are both tied for World Class Idiots in my book…so as far as I’m concerned, that ship has sailed. Hah.


Reagan ran three times – 68, 76 and 80 – four times if you count 84.

Libtard LAROUChe ran 8 TImes for President AND NObody callED him crazY!1!11one!1!1!!!


Paging Dr. Ablow. Dr. Keith Ablow, to the green room, please. Your other face is waiting…

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Mitt has a better chance on his third gig ( ask St. Reagan about that ) than Paul does on his first. That is what Paul’s talking about.

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Rand is obviously afraid of a Romney run, but objectively he is right. This run won’t get very far because of Bush being in the race, but it is an interesting development.

mitt’s is keeping his hat in the ring. just preparing for the big run in 2024. after 8 years of another democratic presidency. go mitt. i’m not sure where he should go, but go mitt.

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Steve Stockman ran for Texas statewide office every year after losing in 1996 through until he finally won a race in 2012. So he lost 8 elections, but he finally won one. And then served one term before accidentally forcing himself to resign his post because he is a moron.

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I’ll say this about Rand Paul. Every now and then he and I agree on something. That’s more than I can say for Mitt.

Sure. Because multiple runs as a Libertarian totally don’t make a record of multiple presidential runs more cartoonishly ridiculous.


You win.