Discussion: Rand Paul: Romney Running In 2016 Would Be 'The Definition Of Insanity'

Well of course. Because inductive logic is still logic and thus ideologically anathema.

I love the video frame grab atop this post of the Junior Senatorā€¦The lean, workout look, the tan, the lingering raccoon eyes from the holiday poolside presidential campaign planning and the 'I just woke up ā€˜cuz someone poked meā€™ look are either precious or indications the fake ophthalmologist should see a real ophthalmologist.
Oh, by the way, heā€™s familiar with the definition of insanity because so many high school teachers made him write it out over and over as a form of punishment.

Translation: Romney will kick my ass.

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And if anyone knows insanity itā€™s the guy who has a dead squirrel stapled to his head.


Concur. This thread is done.

Randy fears Mittens for the very good reason that Randy canā€™t compete with Mittens in the one way republicans hold most dear- Money.

Mittens is fully capable of buying the nomination a second time and Randy knows it. Also he remembers how Mittens War Machine tarred his primary contenders and how well the mud stuck.

Self-certified Doctor Paul displays the classic republican symptom of Fear in attacking the thing he feels most threatened by- Mitt Romney.

Listen to enough Romney footage, and you will agree with him on something. He takes every conceivable position on every issueā€¦it just depends on who he is talking to at that moment.

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But heā€™s correct!!