Discussion: Rand Paul, Enemy Of Socialized Medicine, Will Go To Canada For Surgery

Given that ‘Senator’ Rand Paul is on record as trashing Canadian Healthcare- which include their doctors; nurses; drug pricing; medical outcomes; price caps; etc.- either Canadian Healthcare is every bit as good as American (but tons cheaper) or he’s a liar.

I know which one I’m betting on.


Maybe he is afraid that an American surgical team would leave in something for him to remember.


or the ability to read and cipher

This is costing American jobs.


Too bad one of them is not an undertaker…

Better still, kick his ass out of the Senate!

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner, methinks. He’s evading a US-based medical record for whatever this treatment really is, and what caused it, and anything he might be ethically required to reveal to constituents. “I was attacked, remember, nothing else to see here…”

Rand Paul is obviously a Russian agent ordered by Putin to go to Canada so he doesn’t blab anything incriminating under sedation.

He should be ordered to have his surgery at Guantanamo between enhanced interrogation sessions to get at the truth of his treason.

The rabbit hole runs deep, sweethearts.

Perhaps he is fearful of being sedated around “undesirables” who might not approve of his politics.

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No doubt planning to stick the neighbor.

“While Shouldice Hernia Hospital is privately owned — like many Canadian hospitals — it receives a majority of its funding from the Ontario government and accepts the Ontario’s Hospital Insurance Plan.”


It’ll have to come out…

Funny… the previous investigation found nothing.

“No! My brain in my head!”

It’s probably because Shouldice is also well known for sex reassignment surgery; you know, the kind of thing that you used to have to travel to Denmark for, decades ago.

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What the article neglects to mention is that the Shouldice Hospital performs hernia repairs without using mesh, unlike nearly all doctors in the US. People travel from all over the world to Shouldice for this very reason. If I needed a hernia repair, I’d be traveling there, too, if I couldn’t find someone locally who wouldn’t use mesh.

Aren’t you worried about having to wait in line for surgery up there in that socialist system Rand? Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite. Liar. Liar. Liar.

You are talking about Rand Paul ( and not the neighbour ) ?

Proof positive that Republican hypocrisy doesn’t just flow in rivers from the White House. Rand Paul has the money and the resources to make a choice like this, and yet, He votes to take basic health care away from the poor, who have been left with no choice, and no care, by his very same votes. He’ll get the best treatment because of who he is and where he’s going. Let this creepy gonif stay in the US and get the same medical treatment that the poorest American (can’t) get. Let’s treat our “public servants” only as well as the very poorest American, and watch how fast that standard might just rise. Right now, I wouldn’t give this cretin so much as a bottle of liquid bandage. on the taxpayers dime

IF you try, Canada might invade us. I like that idea…

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