Discussion: Putin: Russian State Has Never Engaged In Hacking!

“I can imagine that some do it deliberately, staging a chain
 of attacks in such a way as to cast Russia as the origin of
            such an attack,” Putin said.

Ha ha …


Oh, that hacking… I thought you meant that other hacking over there…


He is correct.

Russia does not HACK. It engages in “asymmetrical warfare”. Totally different thing.
Move along. Nothing to see here. The check is in the mail. My dog ate my homework.


Well if Putin says it, to his state run media, then it must be true…


If you can’t believe Uncle Vlad … Case closed.


Countdown to Trump Tweet exonerating himself by quoting Putin. 10…9…8…


Totes. And they only wage Assymetrical on us because no one can match Trump. Symmetry with Trump would require some very special sauce.

I’m sure that Putin’s people have hacked a lot of computers and systems, and if they haven’t hacked some of our’s; I’d say they were highly overrated. None the less, one thing no one seems to want to talk about is that that last document dump by Wiki Leaks seemed to show that the NSA and CIA have spent billions figuring out how to make their hacking look like someone else did it. I also know that the DNC Democratic/Neocon/Arms manufacturing factions in our country have a lot to gain y keeping Russia in the hot seat (even as we have their country surrounded by our military bases).

I also see that Consortium News (at least once considered highly reliable) keeps saying that there is no real proof of Russian hacking of our election, as they express unease at the attack on trump’s presidency via leak, while admitting that like everyone else they really want trump gone. I guess i wonder why they say that there is no proof. What is the proof exactly? as we look around the table trying to figure out which of the poker players is the “sucker,” are we sure the sucker isn’t us?

Putin: show me someone who thinks your opinion has any credibility with this subject matter, and I will show you a russian-interference-in-US-election-supporter/republican

Putin said Thursday that economic restrictions against Russia have had “zero effect.”

He continued: In 2015 we accomplished the 3.7 downturn in the Russian GDP all by our very own selves.


–sniff, sniff–

Smell that? It smells just like…


“Russia Has Never Engaged In Hacking!”

Every time Putin says something like this, refuting the findings of our 17 intelligence agencies, it proves that Putin’s cyber attack upon the United States is still ongoing, including the efforts of his 1,000 or so social media trolls working 12 hour shifts in Russian troll factories.

For proof just look for pro-Trump social media posts with even worse grammar than that used by your typical Tea Party “patriot”; mistakes that could only be made by a troll whose primary language is not English.


I know it’s BS because it’s the exact same line he first gave to deny Russian troops in Crimea (aka ‘little green men’), and to later deny any involvement in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

Time and again he claimed those well armed, well trained soldiers (and the Russian military commanders leading them) were just “patriots” moved to spontaneously cross the border and fight alongside their “Russian speaking” brethren…

It may have been true to a very small extent. But the vast majority of it was initiated and perpetuated by the Kremlin. I suspect the same here. There may be some cases where independent hackers took it upon themselves to do some damage to “The West”. Or just felt like hacking… it’s what hackers often do.

If he next arrests and holds up a couple of examples of those, then you know he’s covering up a much larger and ongoing campaign of disruption. Putin plays a long game, exactly opposite of Trump.

Snake in the Grass VS Bull in a China Shop… fight!


Symmetry with Trump requires a very specific breakdown of democratically aligned civilization…

In my best Cajun accent, “I gwaran-tee!”

And watched the value of our currency fall by more than half, from 30s to the dollar to over 60 to the dollar, while watching oil prices plummet from well over $100 per barrel to under $30… if Putin believes the shite he’s shoveling, he’s as deluded as Trump!


Ah well, now I’m reassured and can get on with my day.

Really?? I think he’s still fucking with us.


Hmm…a troll, perhaps?


Problem is, they’re both playing against us.

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