I hate these people. I hate these people. I hate these people.
Today’s fucking mantra.
Protesters chant “Kill the bill. Don’t kill us.”
What a pointless exercise – these protesters need to grasp that the GOP not only doesn’t care about killing the uninsured, they WANT the uninsured to die. It’s a feature, not a bug.
McConnell: “C’mon guys, all I want to do is kill the population of Kentucky so millionaires and captains of industry will finally be FORCED to talk to me instead of shoving me into a hodunk state filled with people I hate.” It takes a certain kind of self-loathing for guys like Bitch to wake up in the morning
It is not pointless and is never pointless. IT is one of our rights and I hope it makes it onto at least some news casts and I suspect it will.
https://www.washingtonpost.com Live now.
With the intensity of 1000 suns,With the intensity of 1000 suns,With the intensity of 1000 suns
The GOPers in the Senate have essentially brought lambs blood to smear on the doors of the Senate so the Angel of Death will pass over that corrupt body where the Pukes plan on exempting their own sorry asses…and, while dooming the rest of the country to an ill-advised, totally unformulated plan to rip healthcare and peace of mind from anyone that values seeing a doctor and having their healthcare needs finally met by the ACA.
A fucking blank check is what the GOP is doing right now…handing McSwampTurtle the ability to switch out the Senate bill with the House bill and then head out the door on vacation.
The Pukes have lied about the ACA from the beginning and have done this sham completely in private. This is a shonda.
Did you read the Collins hot mic story in the Wapo link you posted? She didn’t just say Farenthold was enormous and unattractive, she and Jack Reed discussed the President’s insanity and Collins said she’s worried.
Yeah well I know how to put an end to your anxiety, senators. It is in y’alls’ hands.
But that’s dumb – they’re going to be killing a lot of their own base. Of course, being stupid has never stopped them before.
Per the NYT vote tracker, they have 48 votes with only McCain and Johnson to vote. We are screwed
And, now they’ve done it.
Truly a banner day in the history of the World’s Greatest Deliberative Body. A vote to proceed to debate on a bill that has yet to be identified to them. A red letter day for the Republic and democracy, really.
McCain voted yes. I felt really bad for him, and hoped he would be as courageous as he’s always touted himself to be – but he’s just a poseur. He sealed his legacy and will rot in hell as just another trump enabler.
Maybe Collins should pull an Alan Spector and switch to democrat.
So the Republicans will achieve what al-Qaeda and ISIS could only dream - killing 10,000s of Americans with slow miserable painful deaths.
Too Late
Remind me not to send the get well card to McCain
What an ignominious ending
Enjoy your healthcare Senator while others with cancer die or go bankrupt
I don’t wish you harm , but I will read your obituary with some pleasure
Yeah, they’ll be a lot of sick people who will suffer because of his lack of courage (or maybe it’s a surfeit of meanness).
Not only that. It might be one thing if they intended to proceed to debate about the best way to actually help people based on facts and logic and common human decency (I know, if that was their goal, they wouldn’t be proceeding in this messed-up manner). But instead they are proceeding to “debate” the “best” way in which to kill people in order to enrich themselves and their puppet masters.
Deplorable! Deplorable! Deplorable!
You’re a more kind person than I. I wish him hell in a way that makes Hanoi Hilton look like paradise.
Under the imminent death throes of brain cancer John McCain votes to let thousands of American die premature unnecessary deaths.