Discussion: Pro-Trump Site Responsible For Leaking Photo That Sparked Northam's Scandal

Ah, looks like Comrade Trump is still doing good job for Mother Russia.


Easy to take down a Democrat for past bad acts. Republicans are impervious.


Unlike most RWNJ “news,” this wasn’t photoshopped or invented out of whole cloth. And unless the yearbook was classified, the photo wasn’t “leaked.”


Get used to it. Republicans play dirty and always have. Plus, their base - the “Christians” - have no morals, no values, and no integrity so they don’t give a shit unless something can be used to hammer an opponent.

So, my big question remains - why don’t the Dems do extensive background research to make sure this crap doesn’t come out of left field?


The Seth Rich people. Very civic-minded bunch, thinking of the greater good always. Northam might not have been our best and brightest but I hate to see these jackals make even one score.


Big League Politics was known best for spreading the conspiracy theory that DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered in retaliation for leaking Clinton campaign information.

Ralph Northam killed Seth Rich while diguised as Harry Belafonte.

Yeah, Northam should normally go, but I hate to see us giving in to literal blackmail like this.

If they’re successful in taking him down, prepare for the Right to start scrubbing every Democratic politician’s history since birth to try to take more out.


Oh, they already do that, I think. I’ve seen real serious oppo happening at a township level. We have more and better candidates–after 2016, they came flooding in–so the odds are with us no matter how you look at it.


Is it really “leaked” if it’s a yearbook page? It’s not like they hacked his iCloud account.


Wouldn’t that be “right” field in this context?


At a small airport in Arkansas.

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Ahhhhh the irony…a ‘Pro Trump site’ worried about racism…


Stupid move to release this photo now. They should have waited until shortly before the VA elections. We may have dodged a bullet.


political researchers can only look for known information and run with it, if it’s credible.

That year’s yearbook contents were known to his friends/immediate circle and and they didn’t see it as a big deal.


Isn’t this exactly what a site like this should be doing? As far as I know, no one has suggested that it’s story was wrong in any important respect.

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This was my thought at the beginning. It seemed obvious that the GOP was going to use this to undermine the party as a whole. Northam didn’t help with his terrible response.

In some ways this is similar to the bandwagon shunning that was handed out to Al Franken. It never mattered whether the charges against him were true or if the ones that were rose to the level of harassment. He had to go. Then. And. There. Worse, it truly seemed like those pushing hardest against him were doing so for political expediency rather than a true sense of outrage.

Don’t get me wrong. That Northam had no problem with that picture being under his name in his yearbook speaks volumes about his character in the late 1980’s. His lame responses don’t do much to convince anyone that he’s measurably different today. In that sense, this is very different from Franken’s case. He really has to step down.


By so quickly rising to the bait, the Democrats have now declared open season on anyone in their ranks who has ever said or done anything that can be remotely considered racist or misogynist. And, if Franken is a guide, context, veracity, and personal growth are not going to be relevant to the required consequences. You can bet Big League Politics is now doubly motivated to find it if it’s out there.


Except that Virginia, alone among the states, allows only one term for governor, and as far as I know neither of its senators is planning on going anywhere.

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They were going hard after him and another Virginia lawmaker last week for supposedly supporting “infanticide” and this fell into their laps and now Northam is history. All too easy.


this affair was a Northam “own goal”. He should have disclosed it long ago.

You shouldn’t be governor if you’re too stupid to not realize this shit would eventually come out.