Discussion: Pro-EU Protesters March In London, Demand New Vote On Brexit

Given recent revelations about Russian meddling, you’d think a re-vote would would only be right.


If they get a do-over, we get a do-over, too!


I know, right? It was all a bad dream. All a bad—excuse me, something in my eye.


It has been a long time coming. This Brexit vote is tainted. There was illegitimate foreign interference. The problem is that the UK suffers from political paralysis as Theresa May (who voted against Brexit) cynically adopted the pro-Brexit position to keep power as a majority of the Conservative party are pro-Brexit. On the left, the Labour Party is led by a far left socialist who might as well be a Russian agent. He is Brexit agnostic, but he’s really pro-Brexit because he has been unwilling to support the views of a majority of Labour’s voters (that there needs to be a new vote). The Liberal Democrats are not a strong enough political party to push a new vote. But it’s clear that a new vote is needed. May has to know that expecting a stronger US-UK partnership post-Brexit is not really an option when you have leaders like Donald Trump running things.


It would be easy to criticize Britain for locking themselves into a static situation, unable to move forward or backward on a critical issue, and led by people either without a spine or corrupted by Russian money. But then I realize, at least they’re not moving backwards and engaging in horrific sin like we are. At least they’re not led by a moral monster with grandiose ideas of becoming dictator for life.


James McGrory, one of the organizers, said voters were “made all kinds of promises” during the Brexit referendum.

“But two years later, all we’ve got are broken promises, an economy that’s already feeling the strain of Brexit and a government paralyzed by internal divisions,” he said.

Yes, that would make sense and be the correct thing to do but … - you’re not getting a re-vote simply because you were lied to OR because you lied to yourselves. Fact is, you believed the lies and now you get what you wanted. Although your standard of living will be comparable to living in 19th C England, you’ll probably be free of those foreigners who were stealing your jobs. Why would they bother when they can try their luck in a country that’s actually thriving.

But…take heart: America will be right alongside you so you won’t lack company.


The Puppet master Vlad is loving all of this. SAD


Hmmm. a bit of buyer’s remorse, eh?


If only for Ireland’s sake, I hope the revote materializes. A hard border after 20 years of economic integration and relative calm between north and south would be nothing short of a disaster. Scotland deserves the revote, too, of course, they voted narrowly to remain in the UK on the assumption that the UK would remain in the EU…


If only!

And Vlad’s puppet on this side of the pond will tweet something like "If England [because he doesn’t understand the diff with UK] revotes on Brexit, the US will impose tariffs on all English products [because he doesn’t understand they’re British]

Will we ever know the full extent of Vlad’s hold over Fat Nixon? It’s gotta be far more than just pee tapes…


It’s that “Special Relationship” thingy.


Remember the vaunted Lurch to the Right promoted by the MSM a couple of years back?

We may be seeing the beginnings of a Return To Sanity. Not from any spectacular Left-Liberal organizing, but simply because the Right is so effing incompetent.


I’m delighted to see some fighting back. Delighted and heartened.


I think it is a simple case of DOTUS is into “Dominate or be Dominated”, and the dog has met his master.


Go for it! It is very edifying they are asking for a re vote. Keep Calm and Vote on!

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Remember the old saw:

“Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence…”

Of course, there’s lots of malice here, too but I believe that it’s the incompetence that will save us…


Once real Americans see this they might want not just a do-over but public hangings.

Part 1 - 2 - 3 Australian research into Trump/Russia

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