Discussion: Priebus: Voters Want Trump, GOP To Take US In 'Bold New Direction'

Backwards isn’t a new direction.


Ironic. Rence, this was the anti establishment election. You are the establishment. Your ‘bold ideas’ are 30 years old (and still not working for many of those Trump voters). So do tell us, Rense, from the position you have held for six years, what is this “Bold New Direction?”

You all just replaced the party of Reagan with a new party. Do you really think the GOP will survive the party of Trump?


Unless the Democrats get a better PR operation going, any economic problems in the next 8 years will be “because of the long term damage Obama did to the US economy”.


They’ll blame the ACA for decades.


"Congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and our Republican majorities in the House and Senate! Tonight voters made one thing clear: they want Republicans to take the country in a bold new direction.

make em explain that…

“For four years the RNC has been the only organization with a permanent field operation organizing in every battleground state and the investments by our party and supporters paid off in delivering the White House and keeping our House and Senate majorities,”

I wanna thank Mitch McConnell, Gary Johnson and Charlie Schumer.




don’t worry that CBO report (before the tweaking) will be a new lesson for Trump to deal with.

Nah…remember “dynamic scoring”?

They’ll make that report say that Trump shits roses.


Time to work on my own research. Ugh.

like I said: i’m going to enjoy AG Giuliani make like he’s Eliott Ness against weed smokers.

I shouldn’t carry this hate, however guys like Giuliani n Christie were silent n seething over Obama not coming at Colorado n DC over weed.

Yeah, and we just legalized it here in California.

Fed enforcement largely requires local support though. Bets that the CADEMS ram through a bill banning assistance with the feds on pot enforcement?

who’s in charge now?

For all the talk about 10th Amendment and this whatever, folks are going to learn the hard way that the 10th is very arbitrary to Republicans.


Just like the filibuster, and many other things that are the “end of the Republic” when Democrats transgress some invisible “red line”.


as much as i wanna see Wall Street react to last night, i’m going to grab some z’s.

Simply, I’m going to enjoy the next four years at least in regards to that ‘one size fits all’ policy that’s coming in '17. I shouldn’t, but when turnout was important and strategic planning could have gotten us a different fate, yonder comes ‘Aleppo’.

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It’s only another 90 minutes…hang out with us.

Here we go, here we go…

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neh…ty though

but here ya go…

they are so clueless…

What I want to know is what effect this will have on the Trump U trial. Will there be any investigation into the Foundation? What about the Bondi bribe?

Is this the end of all the stuff that was uncovered - too late - that should have ushered Drumpf onto the ashheap?

Is the bold new direction gonna make us blind to where we were?

They’re going to have a hard time blaming Obama for the 700 point plunge the Dow is going to take at the open, based on the future. But hey, they can always blame the Jews.