The quote below is from one of my former colleagues as to what he thinks and hopes will happen in the Trump presidency:
"With a unified government, it is time for the Republicans to “Kill the Beast”.
Washington needs to be made irrelevant in the daily lives of Americans. It is silly to send money to Washington, and then have to submit matching grant requests to provide for local needs. Keep the money local first, and make your own rules
Most Federal departments need to be shut down.
Agriculture - Not needed. Most states have their own DOA, and they know their own farm resources
Commerce - Only function is to ensure States do not set up barriers to interstate commerce
Defense - Still needed, size and commitments is up for debate. But at least end the draft. No nation based on freedom should be able to place people in involuntary servitude for any reason. If enough people are not willing to serve to protect, we do not need to exist as a nation
Energy - Not needed. DOE has not generated one KW or barrel of oil. Only a raft of regulations. As for the protection and regulation of interstate pipelines or transmission lines this goes to Commerce.
Education - Not needed. Education has only gotten worse.
Health and Human Services - Only function needed is the Public Health department and Center for Disease Control. Even here limit work to communicable diseases. Research into other ills such as diabetes, cancer, MS, MD, etc should end
Homeland Security - Roll any border protection functions into the DOD. Eliminate wasteful programs like TSA.
Housing and Urban Development - Not needed. This should be a local function of each urban area.
Interior - Reduce scope to only those designated National Parks and Memorials. Any other Federal lands, return to the states. Also pay state and local property taxes for any remaining Federal properties instead of letting Congress determine the local impact and voting on impact payments.
Justice - Keep but limit scope. Kill most Federal laws that are duplicates of State laws.
Labor - Not needed. Any function to protect workers rights roll into DOJ
State - Need to keep. Relations with foreign nations is a standard function of any nation
Transportation - Limit to setting standards for US and Interstate highways. States will collect local gas and other revenue to build their own highways. If they want a US or Interstate designation, they have to be built to standard
Treasury - Need to keep to provide fiscal oversight of revenue and spending. Control of currency.
Veterans Affairs - Roll back into the DOD. Let the military take care of their own. Eliminates duplication of effort in services and record keeping.
I could go on into more detail, but this is enough for now."