Discussion: Presidential Candidates React To Orlando Nightclub Shooting

Nice comment by Trump ā€” all he did was report the news. At least Hillary did the ā€œmy thoughts are withā€ thing.


For Trump to say anything meaningful requires that he actually have any emotions other than contempt and hatred for others. Truthfully, he really is a sociopath.


Trump: ā€œReally bad shooting in Orlandoā€¦ā€, as opposed to what, a good shooting?


Couldnā€™t even scrape together the simulacrum of a human emotion. How can anyone want this!?!


His next tweet was about how Clintonā€™s ad is false and he would never mock the disabled. He was just acting out the reporterā€™s ā€œgroveling.ā€

I wish browsers came with disgustingness filters. I donā€™t mind cuss words or naked people so much, but if Trump gets more disgusting than he is now Iā€™d like to be spared the awareness of it.


Iā€™m genuinely surprised at Trumpā€™s restraint, but the day is still young.


He has no empathy for anyone. The only thing that is important is self


Donaldā€™s thoughts are always filtered through a Me First mentality. No amount of carnage can change it.

If this turns out to be an American who was radicalized by ISIS, ala San Bernadino, he will turn this into more xenophobic positions until we ā€˜figure out whatā€™s going on.ā€™ If itā€™s a radicalized home grown American hate group member (ala Chaleston church massacre) it will just fall into the memory hole.

And it is stomach turning that I can pluck 2 mass shooting examples from the last few months of American history.


And the pundits are saying how STRONG Trump reacted (possible terrorism) with the ā€˜timidityā€™ of Hillary (ā€˜my thoughts are with themā€™) JHCā€¦I am SICK of these morons. Please report the news and leave your ā€˜opinionsā€™ to yourselves.


Violence, whether domestic terrorism or ā€œattacksā€ at Trump rallies, can have tendency to boost the ā€œstrongā€ Trump. At a minimum, this really muddies the waters.
Do we want a campaign based on ā€œwho can make America safe from -----ā€?
Absolutely not.


Thoughts with the family and friends of those who were caught up this senseless act.


Yeah, I noticed trump didnā€™t mention it was a right wing homophobe who he likely egged on who committed this domestic terrorism.


How long before Trump hits the shooterā€™s family is from Afghanistan angle? I suppose those details werenā€™t know at that point.

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I just heard Rubio saying it was his Afghani roots that made him hate LBGT people enough to go after themā€¦the cluelessness of the Right Wing who whine and snivel and hate against people and then say ā€˜Iā€™m not a racist, a homophobe, a bigotā€¦ā€™ is amazing.


Wait. Lets be fair. He said his attendance at a Military Academy High School gives him empathy for people who serve in the Armed Forces. And a lot of them actually believe it.

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That immediately jumped out at me. Why do I have the feeling heā€™s calculating what angle to pursue to maximize the political opportunity?

Teaching hate has consequences. There may be a first amendment right to free speech, but this shouldnā€™t be forgotten. My heart goes out to all the victims of this, most recent, atrocity.


The truly sickening part is that itā€™s been almost every six months, like clockwork, for far too many years.

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Because thatā€™s what he does?

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He also immediately stoked the flames of fear, the only way he can get votes, by invoking terrorism. Heā€™s a giant piece of shit who I would not shed a fucking tear over if he diedā€¦not one. I donā€™t care how that sounds. Fuck him.

Iā€™m so sick of hearing about these awful shootings and nothing fucking changing! NEWTOWN CHANGED NOTHING! 6 year olds killed, EXECUTION STYLE, and the piece of shit NRA made sure nothing changed! Nothing will change this time either!! Iā€™m done with this gun bullshit in this country. Iā€™d wipe my ass with the 2nd amendment right in front of Wayne LaPierre and laugh while doing it. Itā€™s out of control.

My heart bleeds for these pour souls who just wanted to have some fun on a Saturday night. Iā€™m so sorry this happened to them. May those who passed rest in peace. And those who survived find solaceā€¦somehow.

Iā€™m enraged and saddened right now. I have the good fortune of having two very close gay friends, who are a couple. All they want out of life is to be happy, and enjoy all the liberties that we hetero folks have. They never hurt anyone, they wouldnā€™t hurt a fly, and they still face stupidity everywhere they go, anytime they show any sort of affection towards each other, in public. Once a man threw his coffee at them, because they were holding hands. The stupidity in this fucking country is maddening and sickening. Iā€¦I have nothing else to say. This sucks.