Discussion: Poll: Trump Leads GOP—For Now

Psst…Quinnipiac Polls deeply flawed but don’t tell the GOP…

The basic traditional breakdown of the GOP is neocons/fiscal cons/social cons.

So you have Bush representing the neocons, Walker representing the fiscal cons…

…and the social cons have dropped off the radar, to be replaced by the TP inspired nihilistic cons.


What Trump is doing, which is particularly bad for Bush, is the longer he stays in this thing, the more he is writing the GOP’s message. Its going to be very difficult for the eventual nominee to change focus to something else, let alone to try and turn to the center. It will be impossible to do so in whatever time remains of the primaries.

If he sticks around for all the debates, the GOP message will be Trump’s message. They can discredit the messenger (and will), but their base will be rallying around his message, not JEB’s common cause, legalize immigration and give a path to citizenship message.

From Bush’s personal perspective, this campaign just keeps getting worse and worse. But he is way too far past the point of bowing out now, with $110 million raised in the 1st quarter.


No surprise–the Trogs don’t have much loyalty to Loser McCain (and his mouthy daughter, and gay-loving wife). GO TRUMP! TEAR 'EM APART!

The survey by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling found…

For fuck’s sake Caitlin Cruz.

Once again… PPP is not “Democratic leaning”. It is affiliated with Democratic groups but does not have a bias for Democrats, and is actually one of the more accurate polling outfits around (check out Nate Silver’s run down in you need to) and actually has a R +0.7 “lean”. So if anything, PPP is Republican leaning.

I expect this kind of shitty reportage at other websites, not here.


Two Kochs, two ears. :wink:

What does that have to do with this poll, by PPP?

Donald Trump’s continuing success is great news for the religious, social and fiscal conservatives in the Republican party and also for the liberal and moderate Democrats.

We can have an honest and blunt debate about the conservative vs. Democratic visions for America. The other Republican candidates would deliver bland, sanitized talking points from their billionaire handlers.

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There is no need to imagine Walker responding to Koch brother requests. It’s all on tape, when he was punked by the DJs who called Walker and recorded the conversation, pretending they were one of the Koch bros. And that recording is precisely why Walker will never be president. I can’t wait to see that stunt recording go viral once Walker’s candidacy hits critical mass.

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Pretty poor, or very dark, stab at humor. Orville’s popcorn firm is owned by ConAgra of meat recall, GMO and tainted food supply fame. Or do you plan to eat that with extra e-coli sauce?

I don’t see why many Democrats seem to fear Walker so much. It has appeared to me that Dems WANT to run against Walker. Even the President has elevated Walker every chance he gets. There is a pile of oppo research on Walker, he is a smarmy fellow with a decidedly creepy aspect. The Kochs want him, have bought him wholesale, but without a script he has a hard time even making sense. I think Walker is preferable to Bush.

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Seriously? 22% of Republican voters agreed with his comments about McCain? How? How is that even f-ing possible?

I too believe Walker is currently polling well because he is still a classic blank slate. He’s a clumsy doofus with a horrible financially-cratered state record as governor to brag about, not a college grad, and lots of pending lawsuits for corruption against him ready to pop up throughout the campaign. He will prove himself not ready for primetime soon enough!


I disagree. Trump’s voters will go to Cruz or someone equally as obnoxious about immigrants. Trump’s folks aren’t going to back someone so wishy-washy on the subject. Besides, if Trump drops out and decides against running third party, he’s quite likely to throw his support behind someone, and that person isn’t going to be Scott Walker.


Sometimes I wonder if Republican aren’t deliberately sandbagging the pollsters. And then I think about the people they have actually elected to state offices and realize they’re being completely honest about their voting preferences.

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Agreed. Plus, on a completely shallow note, I just don’t see the country voting for a balding, cross-eyed, completely unattractive guy with no personality. Plus, he’s got a miserable record in WI. I really expect his primary debate performances to be pretty mediocre, and I think he’ll tank long before the Iowa Caucuses.

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Isn’t that about the same number who said that the flawed response to Hurricane Katrina was Obama’s fault? IOW, about 20% of GOP voters are totally out of touch with reality.

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I would never have believed the idiot known as Joni Ernst would have ever become a senator in Iowa to replace Harkin, but Koch money made candidate Bruce Braley all but unelectable. They could very easily do the same to Clinton and make Walker our next President.


It wasn’t Koch money, it was stupid, ridiculous Democrats who are too stupid to vote in midterm elections. They’re winning because we’re letting them win by refusing to show up for the game.