Discussion: Poll: Trump Leads GOP—For Now

Discussion for article #238693

Notice that aall the hubbub is killing Bush III


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was a close second with 17 percent.

That’s the guy that does scare me.


Note to self – Buy shares in Orville Redenbacher – ( hurry )


“Trump narrowly led the crowded Republican field nationally with 19 percent. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was a close second with 17 percent… Jeb Bush polled at 12 percent.”

Bush!? … the old money, establishment, feed the DOD choice.
Walker … the stealth, ALEC, privatize everything choice.
Trump … the get-a-brain-morans! choice.


“Democratic-leaning” PPP…

Always with this caveat. I never see the same caveat for any republican polling outfits.

I blame the liberal media.


I think all 3 descriptions aptly describes all 3 candidates other than Trump/establishment…

The thought of seeing that stupid mug giving an Oval Office address pains me the most…


Is Trump actually damaging Bush III, or is he keeping the press busy so it’s harder for Bush and the rest of the Republican clown car to damage themselves?


Just think of all the batshit executive orders the Koch Bros. would whisper into his ear at night.


Are you saying Walker likes a Koch in his ear?

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I would say both. Some have said elsewhere that Rump is good for JEB because Rump makes JEB look all the more sane. I disagree. Rump represents the GOP base. They’re not looking for “sane.” Quite the contrary and JEB can’t feed the maw of anger that their base so desperately needs. But Rump also damages the remainder of the Rethug clown car by sucking all the oxygen out of the room and the media ends up focusing on THAT. Which ends up tarnishing the GOP brand.

Either way, it’s all good…


Looks like the Donald will get a golden ticket to the first debate. I just hope he’s sandwiched between those two losers Cristie and Cruz. Delish.

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The ONLY way this stops being fun is if this somehow drives Walker to the nomination. He’s got a little of the vibe of the Martin Sheen character from The Dead Zone.


Trump is perfect for Walker. As he collapses over the months where are crazies ultimately going to go - as we’re starting to see in this poll - but to Walker.

Which would be horrible because he’s in a no lose situation. He either beats Hillary or is the nominee again in 2020…

Let’s give it another week and see where we are. A lot of these polls are still reflecting calls made before the McCain slam.

In a week or so it will all be post McCain slam and then we will have a better feel.

Trump just needs to drop the personal attacks and stick to the virulent, unapologetic racism and nativism that the GOP loves so much.

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More the Scott Brown stupid look vibe as far as I see it…


“The poll was taken after Trump criticized the military service of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) over the weekend.”

Trump did no such thing. Trump disagreed with the questioner’s characterization of McCain as a “war hero”. Usually, when people think of war heroes, they’re people who accomplished something of military value. McCain was a brave man, a long-time POW, and a trained pilot. Whether he was a “war hero” seems at best an arguable point.

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Just goes to show, that the gop/bag party is not fond of jony mc. Even though he gave us the bagger wing of the gop party with his pick of sarah palin…

I bet you wish you could take that back, right jony?

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I don’t know.

But, bush tres, wanting to phase out medicare could cost him. Even gop/bags like being on medicare. That’s their base, for christ sakes.