Discussion: Poll Suggests Few Voters Care About Biden's Handsy Approach To Politics

He’s a freakin’ chaste orthodox monk compared to tRump. Many reasons not to pull for Biden, this is pretty far down the list IMHO.

But I still prefer him to Benie. Good lord this is going to be a grueling haul to election day.


Joe’s time has passed. And if the Dems pick another 1990’s throwback, their time will have passed, too.


“voters are “clearly unconcerned” about the scandal.”


Sounds like we’re getting the journalist’s opinion, instead of reporting. How about using a non-loaded word, like “issue”?


"Fully 71% of California Democrats said the same in the poll."

Comforting to know that California Democrats are still sane.


It’s the fact that he still doesn’t seem to get why it’s not okay. I’ll say it again, it’s Boot-Edge-Edge time.

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Biden’s creepiness is a distraction from the real reason he needs to spend more time with his family. The real reason is that he is the prototypic neoliberal whose fealty to financial corporations has characterized his whole career. He is responsible for much of the student debt because of his influence on bankruptcy laws to favor financial institutions over consumers. He has tried to emasculate Dodd-Franck. He was responsible for the crucifixion of Anita Hill and still hasn’t accepted his responsibility as committee chairman or even apologized to her. He is no more an advocate for common people than individual 1 is. They both play the role, but their actions are totally contrary to their words.

Biden claims to have changed, but you will notice he hasn’t done diddly squat to rectify his earlier behavior.


If only all the women Biden has allegedly offended possessed the same attitude as those assualted by Trump he’d be clear of controversy.


Wow. There is some perspective out there.


That 71% gets it. This is from a state has a homegirl in the race too. Joe isn’t a homeboy in CA.


In our world - he touched my hair, oooooooh no.

In their world - Trump can gram my pussy.


Which candidate do you support?

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It’s not that people don’t care about Biden’s handsiness, it’s that they will not make this issue a disqualifying factor in and of itself while Trump sits in the WH after having been credibly accused of rape and sexual assault in 20 or so total incidents. Lots of Dems are tired of taking out their own while the other side is unaffected.

Most Democrats, for example, would agree that Al Franken caused his own political demise. Those same Dems would also take umbrage at the notion that he went down before Trump, as on a relative scale what Trump has been accused of is far worse.

Among Democrats who are 45 or older and who grew up under a different set of social norms, this view is more strongly felt. There’s also a sense that we don’t have a clear understanding in the #metoo era of where the line should be. So we’re not going to make this issue for Joe, where there is no accusation of sexual harassment, a disqualifier. However, it will be a factor in assessing him as will age. As more folks see Kamala and Beto, and perhaps other candidates like Warren, Buttigieg, Castro and others, many might just might like their lack of baggage in this regard combined with youth, energy and new perspectives.


He has tried to emasculate Dodd-Franck. He was responsible for the crucifixion of Anita Hill and still hasn’t accepted his responsibility as committee chairman or even apologized to her.

Biden has expressed regret for what he did in the confirmation hearings against Hill. Whether he’s apologized to her specifically I don’t know. But, I believe him. We might want to clarify here that many Americans don’t even remember those hearings. And if there’s one group who might be incensed over that issue it would be Black women. I’m not seeing/hearing a lot of vitriol.

In addition, Dodd-Frank has been under attack by the Rethugs not Biden specifically.


Ugh. Grueling slog indeed. I don’t know how we get there from here. Qualifications are being ignored, petty bullshit dominates the public discourse. Not just Biden, but across the board.

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If you get within 10 feet of a woman not your wife you’re a heathen troglodyte scheming rape. That’s where we are.


Very well stated. Not sure I agree that Al Franken caused his own demise, but otherwise this is how I see it, as well, although as usual I could not put it so concisely.


The poll is undoubtedly correct.

I don’t want Joe as the nominee for entirely separate reasons.


I think the use of “neoliberal” sort of gives that away…


Now recite everything he’s done…good or bad…with respect to women’s rights and addressing women’s issues in the intervening 3 decades. Ready? GO!

Oh…wait…you mean you don’t know? You haven’t looked into it? You’re just pushing one incident from decades ago as if nothing happened in the interim and that it’s the only evidence we have or that should be looked at? The only issue upon which we should base our decisions about Biden? Huh. Interesting.