Discussion: Poll Suggests Few Voters Care About Biden's Handsy Approach To Politics

Youth*, energy and new perspective, along with executive experience won’t move the needle if you are nerdy with a goofy sounding name. Hickenlooper.

*Younger than Warren

Yep, and I’ve been saying from the beginning that I think this helps Joe more than hurts him because it’s just that stupid. Plus, it looks so nakedly political and Democratic voters especially loathe being manipulated. They tried it though.


Yep. Just like alt-righters and Teatrolls, the far left has adopted it’s own trigger-word pidgin language to which adherents must be indoctrinated and then adopt as orthodoxy, so they can properly virtue signal to one another.


More than one poll is showing a clear preference for Biden. Apparently most Democrats are not buying into the politically motivated attacks on Biden’s character. It seems, they have their own opinions. People who thought it would be otherwise spend too much time on twitter.


And what say you about Bernie hiding his tax returns?

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I am not so sure about that.

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I like Mayor Pete. I would vote for him in fact. But I don’t think there is anything wrong with what Biden did either.

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I think I could venture a guess.

Biden has faced more than a week of intense media scrutiny

Buried lede.

He’s facing scrutiny by the media not by the public. #WagTheDog

Cc @cameron_joseph


Biden is actually popular with black voters. It is kind of like the issues in VA with the black face stupidity. Black voters support the Governor. I am sure they have seen far worse. It is a big deal to journalists and activists, but not to average voters. Overall Biden is seen as a supporter of working people. And that goes a long way with a lot of people.


Too few cared about Trump’s pussy-grabbing ways, either, apparently. That does not make it right.

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Biden is mostly popular with older Black people. Hands down. Younger Black people (and younger people in general) I’m not too sure of. He clearly enjoys the support of having been President Obama’s VP. That goes a long way. I also think Biden has the support of older women in a very general way.


Voters care? No. Twitter-activists care? Very much so.

Honest Q- does anyone outside Bernie’s camp use the term ‘neoliberal?’ Warren supporters? It’s gotten to be a quite meaningless term, a sort of placeholder pejorative. ‘Corporate shill’ is another good one for the Bernie Bingo game.

‘Neocon’ sort of went that route as well, but there were/are some Repubs who self-identified as such.


Actual VOTERS know that his is nothing more than an “inside the beltway twitterverse issue” that nobody even has on their radar.

The SJW over at Huffpost are just looking for another white, male scalp to hang on their belts, and with nothing much happening in the Democratic Primaries the D.C. “twitterati” and the TV Pundits are DESPERATE for something to argue about to fill airtime.

When you talk to ACTUAL VOTERS they will tell you this is what they care about:

  1. The Economy (Jobs, Wages, Taxes)
  2. Health Care
  3. Education
  4. Foreign Affairs
  5. Honesty by their Representatives
  6. Responsive Governance by their Representatives
    8,275) Uncle Joe is “too affectionate” for the new snowflake “woke” crowd.

A lot of women and children were killed and wounded in the War in Iraq that Senator Foreign Policy Genius supported.

That vote alone disqualifies him from being President.

Picking Biden to be VP was Obama’s first big mistake.

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Confession; I like and admire Joe Biden. However, my take away from the joke/apology video was “man, he is just too old and too white-male to be president”. (File this under #ItTakesOneToKnowOne)
Joe is the embodiment of why it is extremely difficult to successfully run for president after a long record of accomplishing things in the Senate. In order to be an effective legislator one needs to make compromises that can be used later as disqualifications on ideological purity grounds. Biden has a wealth of experience and institutional knowledge that would be very useful in putting government back together after Trump has broken it. My dream ticket has Joe as VP with any of a number of young charismatic candidates at the top (e.g. Buttigieg, Harris, Abrams are my current favorites). (File this under #AintGoingToHappen)

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Exactly. This issue is more indicative that the news behemoth, particularly 24hr cable news, needs political content from now until the election.


I told you so. The only people who “care” about this “controversy” are Bernie supporters and Russian trolls.


As I’ve said, that’s the entire point. The “movement” has desperately and emphatically resisted any definitional progress, “lines” or clarity. That’s because the point is weaponization to shift power. It seems to be the only political trick anyone, left or right, is capable of performing at this point…or even wants to perform.

In this instance, the need to shift power is great, legitimate and valid, but the means employed aren’t properly focused, targeted or bounded. It’s become scattershot and scorched earth, because there’s a certain allure to achieving superficial evidence of success in shifting power, i.e., by manufacturing incidents in which power has been exercised over a chosen exemplar of the offending group…in this case by punishment, retribution or damage, looking for objective quantifiables like “we got him fired/forced him to resign or drop out of the race”…power…retribution…“we tanked his poll numbers”…power…retribution…“he’s permanently stigmatized and this will be the trump card played on him forever”…power…retribution. Achieve it once and boy does it make you want to achieve it again and again and again and again, birthing a need to broaden the scope, a desire to stretch the limits, a resistance to anything resembling definitional certainty or notional clarity because that’s perceived as power being exerted back on the “movement”…“pinning them down”…and would narrow the opportunities for achieving said “evidence” of having exercised power themselves. Instead, we get nonsense like “it’s not our job to tell you what would be an acceptable response to accusations or an appropriate apology for acknowledged wrongdoing” followed by pretty much nothing being acceptable. Why? Because the accused cannot be allowed to escape retribution or there’s no evidence power was shifted.

As a result, the shit goes off the rails, proportionality and rationality give way to false equivalence and dogma, shutting down dialogue that might result in addressing the underlying problems and affecting true change. Laws aren’t enough. Societal mores and belief systems don’t change just because legislation was enacted. If they did, we wouldn’t be watching the white Christian nationalist Messiah destroy our country right now.