“I don’t support a livable wage” is nearly as bad as “Legitimate rape.” A fact lost on Republicans.
It’s meaningless to talk about a slight lead since the results are within the margin of error. It’s a dead great.
Should be"dead heat"!
What kind of voting system do they have?
У них самый лучше систем в мире, конечно!
Welcome news. But act like your 1 point down and GOTV like your life depends on it. Because turning the tide and rejecting climate deniers being in control of power underscores that it does.
If the Ossoff campaign and the Democrats can drive that point home, yes.
Actually not, because the poll recapitulates the results from the poll from the same organization last week. Landmark’s polls have large margins error, because they generally only do 500 interviews.
Statistically, Ossoff could be 5 points over the 2.5 lead. (or 2.5 under) So it isn’t meaningless at all.
In any case, this isn’t good news for his opponent. who two weeks in a row runs behind.
I would not hesitate to blame her incredibly stupid quote celebrating being hand handed and obnoxious – what was it?
For one thing, it is SystemA and keep your cases in agreement!
Come on GA-6!
You can make Ossoff your Congressional Leader on June 20, 2017…lets get the job done!
Tell the 115th Congress that YOU WANT A LIVABLE WAGE for EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE in US!
For if the CEO’s can earn billions in salaries, well, WORKERS DESERVES INCREASED INCOMES TOO!
I was predicting a 4 point win by Ossoff a few weeks ago. Hell, I’ll push it up a point!
People who don’t support a livable wage are contemptible, unpatriotic and are the epitome of the phrase “the ugly American”.
Уже раздражается когда напоминают меня об ошибках на родном языке. Когда люди предлагают коррекцию на втором—это злое!!
Ты русский? Знаешь uk_observer?
Hand handed?
If they elect Ossoff, they will be telling it to the 115th Congress first.
Oops, I did get ahead of myself!
Thanks for the clarification!
Take that 5% of voter suppression into account to assume the real vote mean Ossoff is down 2.5 to Handel.
Take nothing for granted.
It’s a dead great.
Not sure these guys are going to do Ossoff any good in Georgia.
It’s nice to have a lead in the polls, but will young voters actually turn out for Ossoff the way young Brits apparently turned out for Corbyn and Labour?
Looking back, this is all float within the MOE. Last week, lead less than 2, back on the 2nd, lead was 2.5.
This saeems to be a dead-heat and minor drastically noise flutter.
Not actual movement.