Walker would very likely not win Wisconsin with presidential year turnout, any more than Christie would win NJ as a presidential candidate… or any more than Romney won MA.
I think you overestimate how much of a lead is realistic. In this climate, no Dem is going to much outdo the 7 point margin Obama had in '08. We’re not going to see huge landslides. Plus, there has been massive media focus on the GOP field for weeks, with little heard about Clinton (except periodic attacks). In fact, during the low point of Obama’s approval in late 2013, Hillary trailed several GOPers in head-to-head polls. The fact that she’s ahead at all now is encouraging. (Also, both Obama and Hillary trailed the Republicans at several points in the '07 and early '08 polls… even before his very impressive win.) Walker is being talked about as “exciting,” but people know very little about him… they can project anything they want on him, yet he still trails.
I agree, of course, that there needs to be much thought about her campaign strategy, and I have no problem considering other candidates… even though she remains the likely nominee, and that reality should be taken into account. But this really isn’t a deeply alarming poll for this time and set of circumstances.
The Kochs haven’t started their billion dollar infusion into their boy’s campaign. After the Kochs pour that billion dollars into Walker’s campaign, Jeb Bush will be burned to a crisp and Hillary will be on the ropes.
Just like their money won Romney the presidency, or all the 2012 Senate races they poured dough into?
Spending doesn’t equal victory, at least when turnout is decent. Giving up is not the right response to Koch billion$.
Also, according to GOP insiders, Walker’s recent “deer in the headlights” reaction to all questions and shouting “I busted unions!” as the answer to all challenges is apparently causing many second thoughts about his viability.
Scott Walker like Chris Christie are two of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians running in the GOP for President. As far as polls goes showing walker leading in the polls, people need to remember the last time Republicans ran for President every other week their was a different candidate taking the lead in the polls from Michelle Bachmann to Newt Gingrich to Santorum and Huckbee. Every single candidate then as now are all a bunch of clowns, the only thing missing is the white painted face and red circles on the cheeks.
The real danger is our corporate media, and yes, I include PBS/NPR in that category also [lots of Mobil/Exxon, etc. sponsorships]. They need a close horserace to keep the boatloads of political advertising money coming in and lots of “controversy” and gossip to keep the ratings up.
Even a trained gorilla, if nominated by the GOP to run against Hillary would received the immediate adulation of the eternally corrupt and inane corporate Media.
The Gorilla: “He has charisma; his silverback brings a certain eminence grise to his candidacy. He doesn’t make fancy speeches, but white male voters relate to his unique kind of primal passion…”
Meanwhile, “Hillary has a lot of baggage; nobody trusts her; geez, can she just lose the pantsuits. And that hair…”
Manure Spreader Walker turned down a $900million grant for high speed rail and then spent $2billion of state funds on a new highway, railed that public employees are paid too much while he gave a donor’s son $81,000.00 job, laughed when someone mentioned ‘equal pay for women,’ declared a ‘year of the veteran’ in WI while his staff members were robbing VA charities, pledged to create 250,000 jobs when elected and ended up losing 24, 000 jobs while in office, WI ranked lowest in the nation in job growth during his tenure as governor, spent .10cents of every dollar in WI on corporate welfare…and on and on, ad infinitum… ad nauseum.
And fetal-alcoholism poster boy Walker is the best the GOPigs can field for the presidency?? The cretin went to some backwoods college, carried a partial course load, only managed a 2.4 GPA and the dumba** still couldn’t graduate. His success is ONLY as a KochWhore puppet, and those strings will be cut or break as the primary season begins in earnest.
I wish more Democrats understood this. PBS/NPR actually are quite damaging because so many Dems and liberals believe they’re getting “the real picture” from listening to those pathetic geldings, which makes them in turn particularly unprepared for what the Republicans actually do.