Discussion: Poll: Scott Walker Most Competitive Against Clinton

Discussion for article #234055

Only because Jeb’s oppo-researchers haven’t sunk in their claws yet. Hillary won’t need to take Walker down–Jeb will do it for her.


I bet in a debate between Walker and Clinton that Walker would get his unmentionables handed to him.


Walker has the world’s best propaganda machine behind him.


Gee, could this be because Clinton is a completely known quantity with everyone who hates her already baked in, while Walker is a total unknown to most people except for vaguely knowing that the media is talking about him a lot as an “exciting rising star”?

The guy would be the most reactionary nominee since Goldwater, and the only thing he can talk about is union busting – no matter what the question.


Clinton would leave the stage with Walkers nuts in her purse.


“It gets us back to stuff people find unpleasant about the Clintons,” Miringoff said. Right. Just wait until the public gets to know the Republican candidates. I’m sure they’ll fall in love with them and their positions.


It’s SO early, Yes. And Jeb’s team will go to work on him YEEESSSSS!! And IF, in spite of that, he were to survive to get the nomination that he so clearly believe’s he’s being called by God to accept - if that were to happen there’s probably not a good chance he’ll win the election against Hilary. Or any other Democrat for that matter.

But having lived in the Walker Hell that Wisconsin has become, for the last four years, and having lived through 3 Walker victories in that time (and SO much moreI) I don’t know how I’ll survive the anxiety of watching this.

Everyone should realize this, there’s only ONE thing that Walker can do well (he can’t answer a straight on question about anything of any importance what-so-ever, unless the talking points are in hand to regurgitate) but he CAN make Democrats and other similar voters go nuts. ALL he has to do is open his mouth; he offers nothing but nonsense, but we go nuts (often because it IS such nonsense). But as that happens, and we respond, his support among the base just sky rockets

And his support among just about anyone else that votes Republican (the ones that still believe that they are “moderates”) has been rock solid too, here in Wisconsin. Even tho they don’t necessarily like the Tea Party - which he IS - they still like him. Even though they consider themselves liberal on the social issues - which he is NOT - they still vote for him. Even though everything that comes out of his mouth is either nonsense, or it’s a lie, or it’s both, they stick with him. I don’t know, and haven’t seen anyone else offer, an explanation for that. Will that phenomenon translate to the national scene? That’s the question.


Another Wisconsinite here. I have long said that Scott is the “bright, new shiny face” for the GOP, but under scrutiny he will end up not ready for prime time just like Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachman. The man is just not ready for the national stage. Those of us that know him well also know that he is not a bright man. He only does what he is told by his handlers. He has thrown barbs at Hillary for her secret email system. Newsflash!!! he did that too. His inner circle was indicted and many of us wonder how he escaped, despite the evidence that he too participated in the scam.


All of the listed GOP folks would be damaged goods once their primary season is over. Just as in 2012 the debates, even if there are fewer of them, will quickly start weeding out the pretenders, and the rest will be left to bounce around inside the clown car. Whoever wins the nomination will be just like Rmoney, trying to do the Etch-a-Sketch reboot to appear to appeal to the independent voters. Clinton is much better known, so whatever negatives are perceived are already out there. The GOP candidate is going to be fighting their own history, and some of the candidates for the Senate will be running for cover from their presidential nominee. The implosion is continuing, and 2016 will likely end in a huge cloud of dust, just like those things always do.


I love these ‘early polls’ from the GOP Clown Caravan because they’re so familiar with the olden days when the jingo-classically named Gen Eric Republican would emerge, time after time, as the People’s Early Churce to win the White House.

Such a rugged manly military type man, was the General. And now those who miss him are showing their love but wishin’ and hopin’ this is like the GOP’s Return of the Mahdi, with Scott Walker in the role of the General personified and re-animated.

And over time and - wap wap WAP wap WAP wap wap – enough rakes stood on, the Base will once again despair of their new champion and turn it’s lonely eyes to Goldwater, Reagan, Cruz, ANYONE with the standards of the Gen Eric. Republican…


What worries me about Walker is his being an unknown quantity from flyover country, a bland persona hiding a ruthless politician who’s able to slip out of a lot of tight situations, a politician who’s not part of the Washington crowd that so many conservatives complain about, until they’re in the club.


He could win. I live in Illinois and spend time in WI, and I’ve seen first hand how good he and his people are at duping moderate white Dems. This is the guy to watch out for, no question about it…


I agree, it’s astonishing how he and his people bend reality around themselves and get away with so much. He really has the media messaging machine in his column, which worries me a lot.

I know this won’t happen because I have suggested similar things for decades and they never happen, but:

How about hundreds of YouTube interviews with teachers, university professors, and other average Wisconsonites talking about how they have been impacted – interspersed with the video of Scott talking to a billionaire donor, promising “right to work” using the strategy of divide and conquer…pitting teachers against police and firefighters, the latter two whose unions had not YET gotten shafted.

Videos of him ducking every substantive question asked – with another video of Hillary (hopefully) giving an intelligent answer.

These things don’t have to be expensively produced. It would be nice if they could be distributed, but if any are good enough they could go viral.

We really have to fight with visuals, and refute with strength. The DNC needs a strong, strong leader!


Nobody is going to believe that Walker is a radical right winger who keeps winning elections in a blue state like Wisconsin.


I think it’s a good comment, yes. Walker needs some public exposure as well to drive down his numbers. Let the public get to know him and have a genuine opportunity to recoil.

This all said, Hillary DOES need to win the election, not just no-comment her way along.


I like Hillary and would vote for her, but this poll and others show her as being remarkably - and surprisingly - weak at this early date. I understand all the imperfections in these early polls, but Hillary ought to be running much stronger now than she is. So, perhaps, we shouldn’t just trash the polls, but, rather, take them seriously and have some serious conversation about both the kind of campaign she needs to run and, if she decided not to run, the types of potential alternatives the Democrats have. And please don’t give me Elizabeth Warren-- the Barry Goldwater of the left. Let’s try thinking of potential alternatives who could actually win and then govern.


Nobody is going to believe that Walker is a radical right winger who keeps winning elections in a blue state like Wisconsin

He only won twice and it’s a purple state. If Wisconsin secedes and he runs for President in that new country, he’s got a real shot. In USA, his proposals are radical but fine for Wisconsin like refusing high speed rail grants, and gutting the education system. But he’ll lose out not for that, but because he’s a creepy, lying ideologue that will make voters outside the Badger State wretch.


You can’t be serious… or rather, you plainly are, but shouldn’t be.

Walker IS an extreme right-winger. He doesn’t make much effort to hide it. He takes extreme right positions on every major issue. But he can’t be a right-winger because he won in Wisconsin? Did CPAC love him because he’s a moderate? He takes right-wing positions, but people won’t “believe” them because he won in Wisconsin? If you nominate him on that assumption, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Do you have the slightest idea how Wisconsin politics work? The state is extremely polarized, with a belt of all-white and very right-wing voters who reliably turn out in the off-year elections when Walker is up. He would not have won the state in a presidential election year with heavier liberal turnout. It is not blue, but purple – only blue with heavy presidential-year turnout.

He wasn’t winning because “blue staters” supported him. Or is Michelle Bachmann not an extreme conservative because she keeps winning in a blue state? Walker is as dependent on red districts as she is on hers.

Lofty trolling declarations don’t change any of these realities. Walker will be defined by what he says and stands for, not by what state he’s from.