Discussion: Poll: One-Third Of Americans Don’t Know Obamacare, ACA Are The Same Thing

Let’s keep in mind, these are primarily liberal voters.

These were the same people who were pissed off at Obama (and so probably voted Stein, or sat out the election) because they hated Obamacare, although they loved that they could be on their parents’ insurance till they turned 26.

As much of an indictment the 2016 elections was on the Electoral College, and James Comey, it also pointed out how poorly informed some Dem voters, especially the Stein/Nader cohort, are.

And the fact that it affects less than 10% of all Americans and mostly only the top economic 5% of families and individuals.

William Gates Sr. has the sad story about having a conversation with a skycap at an airport remarking how glad he was that Congress had raised the inheritance tax levels. That’s the GOP for you, always on message. Then again, there is a certain percentage of schlubs, the aspirational rich, who just know that at age 49-1/2 with only a BA that they are going to be wealthy someday and don’t want the government bleeding them white with taxes.

Paraphrasing Thomas Franks, all together now, what’s the matter with America?

But on the bright side, all of Trump voters don’t know Obamacare and ACA are the same.

Probably a lot of things. I think shutting down the American Association of Cilantro Growers would be a good start.

“Here sir, let me put a sprig of cilantro in your drinking water. Oh, and some in your ear. Would you like some to put in your pockets? How about a bit in that margarita! Here, take some home to the dog. You want it left out of your taco?! No, we can’t do that. Hector from the American Association of Cilantro Growers, he’s a rough dude. Is that your little girl? Here, a nice garland of cilantro for her hair. Isn’t that darling!!”

And we wonder how we wound up with republicans in the majority and president p grabber.

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About 1-out-of-3 were wrong or didn’t know. That looks like normal statistical distribution to me. Frankly, I would have guessed higher.

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they should have to wear ‘i know nuthink’ buttons.

problem solved. replace obamacare with the ACA. so simple.


Meanwhile, 72 percent of Republicans understood the two terms referred to the same health care policy, according to the survey.

But none of that 72 percent of Republicans was aware that Obamacare (AKA ACA) was originally a Republican idea.

Isn’t it crystal clear now why Republicans want to destroy education in this country?

But none of that 72 percent of Republicans was aware that Obamacare (AKA ACA) was originally a Republican idea.

Sure they do. Obamacare is Romneycare.