Discussion for article #228307
DickScott is about as smart as a rock. And the rock is better looking.
Perhaps this is the “people now paying attention” effect. Maybe it’s just my optimism but I do believe that Dems are going to tune in for this midterm.
Good, burn that fucker Scott down.
Oy, this is a race that would drive me batty.
Let it be so!
I am rooting for Crist but I don’t believe SurveyUSA is a very reliable polling firm, no?
Someone please prove me wrong here…
“jumping ahead” - come on!
“edging ahead” maybe, or “pulling ahead”, but really ?!?
Crist is taking a page out of Gov Jerry Browns playbook. Scott has more money than sense, but that is one of the GOP’s problems across the board. Crist saved his powder until it was needed while Scott wasted millions. Go, Crist, Go.
Wisconsin, too. Need to see both Scott’s unemployed soon. If Brown goes down in NH it will be a Scott tri-fecta.
I don’t think they are, but when you go to Real Clear Politics (if you can stomach their articles), and go to the “latest polls” page, you can click on all polls for that race and see how SUSA has gone from Scott +5 to Crist +6 in just a few weeks. So I guess that is good news, since the same pollster, however iffy, has shown a positive trend for Crist.
Thanks, mames5. Excellent advice.
Nate Silver put this comparison chart together in 2012 based on the accuracy, methodology, bias, etc., of various polling organizations. It’s a chart only a wonk could love. You’ll see SurveyUSA is ten out of about 23.
I’m about to head to a sushi buffet and eat several things that should also be leading Prick Scott by at least 10 in the polls.
Much more recent pollster ratings here: http://fivethirtyeight.com/interactives/pollster-ratings/ . SurveyUSA gets an “A” on a huge number polls analyzed, 722, more than any other outfit in the country. Happy?
No problem. Governor Voldemort will just send in the Teamentors, and Charlie will be “disappeared” to Azkaban.
God, let’s hope so!
Going from 1 point behind to 6 points ahead is more than an “edging ahead.”
Its about the right time for that effect to start showing up in the polls. And it seems to be happening across a pretty broad number of races, too. So you may be on to something.