Discussion: Poll: Biden, Sanders Tied In Iowa

Did Chris Rock ever find hair products in that state?

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hahaha! You’re right, no doubt.

I was lucky. I went to a small private college in WNY, where all the meals were prepared by little old Italian ladies. They sure knew how to cook!

I don’t see Buttigieg as a good VP pick for anyone. Certainly not for Harris – as a black woman, Harris will need someone who reassures voters (like Biden did for Obama). A young gay guy, no matter how personable, is not going to do the trick.
While I’d prefer Inslee on policy grounds, Washington is solid Blue. Hickenlooper would take Colorado completely off the table as a possible Trump pick up, (hillary won, but with only 48% – the libertarian picked up 5% there) so I’d go with him.

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I think that Warren has made that point pretty well.

While she is centering her campaign on her policy proposals, she is the candidate who took the lead when it came to calling for impeachment based on Trump’s crimes as detailed in the Mueller report. And she is the one who called out Fox News as a Hate For Profit outfit – she didn’t pretend that there were “legitimate” journalists there to talk to.

So the story actually begins in paragraph four? C’mon TPM this is a Daily Beast headline.

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Apparently the stupid voters didn’t get the memo that Joe Biden is way ahead…

Because . . . Tim Conway.


Warren and Buttigieg have been stellar in handling the media and simply in giving people reasons to vote for themselves.

I assume you mean “giving people reasons to vote for them.”

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Thanks. I think you are wrong on every aspect of your argument, but you are certainly entitled to it. I was pretty certain that you were an old Sanders Bro. A Bro who didn’t vote for Hillary in ‘16.

“A young gay guy, no matter how personable, is not going to do the trick”

Pete is a lot more than “personable.” He’s smart, well-informed, articulate, and politically savvy. As for his youth, some people are just ahead of the curve; to me, hew usually comes off as the most mature person in the room. And people for whom his sexuality is an issue probably wouldn’t have voted for him in any case.

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With you until here.

This part remains to be seen.

Listened to Trump lately?

10% in Iowa is stronger than expected for Harris. I am pleasantly surprised.


The only criticism I have is that I really wish Democrats would use a different color blue in their signage. I’m so sick of royal blue. Cerulean or a nice sky blue would be so much more cheerful and would work wonderfully in my opinion.

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I sure wish these two old farts would get off my lawn.

Interesting. I am hoping both Bernie and Warren do a tag-team attack on Biden for his credit card industry chicanery, but it’s hard to predict how these dynamics are going to play out.


This. Rest in power, Tim.

Although, gotta say… the shtick becomes a bit less funny once you’ve cared for an aging parent… or become one.

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Oh, GOD no! An total mountebank then and now.

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The press favors Biden because he is the completely establishment candidate. He has lots, and lots of billionaire and corporate support. The Democratic rank and file, however, are still looking. Many favor Bernie, but others don’t like him either. They are still looking. Harris, Warren and Mayor Pete are getting a good look. This race is still up for grabs.


Ha! Yes. Thank you. Changed.

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