Discussion: Politico Mag On Fiorina's Brand Of Feminism: 'Step One: Less Whinng'

Running for political office is the only “job interview” that Failorina can get after kneecapping HP.

And that’s only because any loser or nut can throw their hat into the ring, as the GOP has proven yet again.

Exactly, and she used her gender as a cudgel against Trump when she went after him at the debate. I found that especially egregious being that she got in trouble during her last campaign for slamming and poking fun at another woman’s appearance. Fiorina’s feminism is nothing but a free pass to avoid criticism or justify her candidacy. Beyond that, she’s never done a damn thing to advance women or improve the lives of women and girls. If Fiorina is a feminist then Alan Keyes is the MLK of our time.


“The article, written by American Enterprise Institute scholars…”

OK, just stop right there.


Plus Birkenstocks,

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Fiorina might not be a feminist if the term is restricted to what LA
Times columnist Meghan Daum has called the “liberal, abortion-rights
supporting … reusable-eco-bag toting, dangling-earring-wearing” set.

Actual journalism - Step One: No willful mischaracterization of someone’s activism to support your own bullshit views.

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I was so pleased when she became CEO of Hewlett Packard. HP had a big operation in Ft. Collins, CO, which I visited in the early 80s. It was a great place to work, had an innovative, egalitarian business and management model and the employees were enthusiastic, loyal and hard working. To have a woman CEO of a company I so admired was inspiring, and I looked forward to seeing great things. HA! She is like any other modern CEO who sees employees as FTEs (old budget acronym… full time equivalent) and profit made by buying other companies and accounting tricks. She brought shame on all businesswomen and helped decimate a once thriving company. She is all veneer.


I also thought about cheetos munchers but I honestly can’t remember if that’s a liberal slur or a conservative one. Brain fart or…not enough latte. Hah.

"Instead, Fiorina has offered us something better: a model of female power that is free of the whining and pandering that has for so long plagued modern feminism."

Instead? By the process of elimination, whining and pandering must be the basis of her entire business career. It certainly wasn’t talent.

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Hillary’s brand of feminism versus Carly’s? Gee, which of ‘em divorced the startup spouse to marry up? That’'s some Ole Fasshion conservative feminism for ya.

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Failorina auditioning for the Hall of Presidents:


Sure she’s a feminist…as long as your white, old and rich…

Sommers has long has a weird relationship with whining. If you want to see bizarre whining look at the acknowledgement page to her “Who Stole Feminism?” Most people use the acknowledgment page to thank the people who helped her. And as a philosopher with little publication record she received a lot of help from right wing foundations willing to pay her to attack feminists. Despite that her acknowledgement page spends more time whining about how hard she had it because of her politics (the very politics that got her funding actual feminists could only dream of) than it does thanking people.

So for her, it apparently only counts as whining if it comes from a political perspective she doesn’t like.


Finally, women can be equal opportunity failures, whose reverse Midas touch royally screws up everything they come into contact with, and all the while selling themselves as the second coming. Oh yay.

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The Donald was right; I can’t look at that face anymore

As a ““liberal, abortion-rights supporting … reusable-eco-bag toting, dangling-earring-wearing” (more or less) feminist, I take great offense. And “post-feminism” – is that anything like our “post-racial” “everything is awesome” society? If so, I’ll pass.

Male or Female, I dont think most will whine if they are given millions of $$ for failing at what they do, like the conservative Fiorina.

Fiorina always looks like she just sucked on a lemon.
She’s a Sourpuss.
She’s the Leona Helmsley of Presidential candidates…The Queen of Mean.
And to hell with her little dog too…if she has one.

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I’m having a hard time with the dangling earrings remark. Seriously, what the hell … ?

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“a postfeminist era in politics, where what matters is a woman’s opportunity”
Really? Woman’s opportunity is pretty much the definition of feminism.


It a hippie & black dig.Afro would have been to obvoius.

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