Discussion: Politico Mag On Fiorina's Brand Of Feminism: 'Step One: Less Whinng'

The republican establishment are certainly going out of their way to try to prop her up. They really, really, really want her as a viable VP pick so they can use her to attack Hillary. She’s a vile piece of work who’s utterly shameless and handles the “big lie” very well, so she’s perfect for the role in their eyes.


The piece said Fiorina "doesn’t play the gender card," but doesn’t hold back when responding to attacks on her because she’s a woman.

BS. A few months back, Fiorina basically told America that her vagina nullifies Clinton’s vagina and that is why she should be the Republicans’ choice for GOP presidential candidate. Did she use those exact words? No, but she did say that her being a woman means that Hillary wouldn’t be able to use the “gender card” by bringing up wage disparity, choice, etc. Even that was BS because Hillary Clinton has a long and solid history of working around the globe for good education and economic opportunities for women and girls. I remember about a decade ago, she went around the world discussing issues specific to the females on this earth. The topics were very simple but very powerful: education, education, education, economic opportunities and fairness and family planning options/comprehensive sex education. Carly Fiorina couldn’t hold a candle to Hillary’s farts on this issue. Heck, most Republicans couldn’t.


BUt Benghazi, LIBtard. Fiorina Didn’t DO Benghazi!!1!1!!!one!!1!!!


To whine is to be a women in the fullest sense as my grandpa told me. Men fart, women whine, and nothing will ever change that. It is a function of the whole logic/illogical in adults issue. A man if he has gas in his stomach will let it out, as all real men do.A sound logical response to discomfort. A women will hold it in and whine about it, illogical behavior.

He also said he could build a combine to harvest corn if he had the stuff and knew how.


Feminist? Isnt she against paid maturity leave AND for defunding PP? Her track record @ HP speaks volumes on what kind of president she’d be.


At which Madame Tussaud’s was this picture taken?

Not their best work; usually more life-like.



The most feminist aspect of Failorina is proving that a female CEO can be rewarded just as handsomely as a male for spectacular failure.


Interesting, since Republicans of both genders have taken whining to an art form.

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Sure, but she almost killed a corporation.

Reckless endangerment of a corporation vs. the deaths of four Americans.

I think we all know which the GOTP normally sees as the bigger crime.

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“liberal, abortion-rights supporting … reusable-eco-bag toting, dangling-earring-wearing”

I can’t stop laughing. Where do these idiots come up these stereotypes? Its no different than the newest version of latte drinking, east coast, volvo driving, NPR listening, sushi eating, organic food munching, hemp growing, limousine liberal, and pointy-headed college professors…Its such bullshit.

Carly Farina is fucking desperate. Wonder how much she slipped under the table to these two idiots to print this schlock before this debate? She’s been virtually absent since the last debate? Trouble in Farinaville I imagine. She has a hard time holding onto the hired help from all I’ve read about her.

The woman is a maternal-loathing, female bashing disgrace of a woman. She’s vile and offensive as any example for decent leadership from either side of the gender divide.


Noted that when she was asked what woman she would put on the $10 bill, Fiorina said it was, “a gesture” and wouldn’t change the bank note.


The move is based on recommendations from the Advanced Counterfeit Deterrence (ACD) Steering Committee.

“Currency is redesigned to stay ahead of counterfeiting,” the US Treasury says. “The ACD Steering Committee recommended a redesign of the $10 note next. The ACD will make its next recommendation based on current and potential security threats to currency notes.”

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Well isn’t THIS just a little bit sexist…Feminists ‘whine’??? For God’s sake…I guess Trump isn’t whining…he’s just telling it like it is! Rand Paul? Nope…he’s a man. The HUCKster? uh huh…but those LIBERALS…oh yeah, those women ‘whine’.


To call either of those AEI putzes a “scholar” requires a total redefinition of the word.

Politico proves once again that it is the electronic faux-journalism branch of the RNC, and it now can lay claim to the pinnacle of right-wing hackery.


Did these two sows have permission from their husbands to get a job outside of the house? Or, is that the kind of thing that’s okay for them, but for other women, it’s “dangly earring feminism”?


It’s the exact same shit Republicans do with minorities. They hold up the very small minority, those that agree with them, of a minority group as the standard of what that minority group should be and how they should think. The more that small minority villifies their minority group and dismisses issues important to that group, the more Republicans praise that minority of a minority. That’s all Politico is doing here.


That’s for sure Plucky

Fiorina must have slipped on that Less Whining step and cracked her head.

Step 0.1: get $100 million dollars for screwing up a respected company
Step 1.0: try not to whine about it

Running for political office is the only “job interview” that Failorina can get after kneecapping HP.

And that’s only because any loser or nut can throw their hat into the ring, as the GOP has proven yet again.

Exactly, and she used her gender as a cudgel against Trump when she went after him at the debate. I found that especially egregious being that she got in trouble during her last campaign for slamming and poking fun at another woman’s appearance. Fiorina’s feminism is nothing but a free pass to avoid criticism or justify her candidacy. Beyond that, she’s never done a damn thing to advance women or improve the lives of women and girls. If Fiorina is a feminist then Alan Keyes is the MLK of our time.