Discussion: Police Who Shot 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Did Not Give Him First Aid

Discussion for article #230640

Not only did the officers not give first aid apparently but from what I saw on a grainy video they didn’t even say anything as the time between their arrival and shots fired was seconds only. They shot from inside their car. No announcement of “OK, hands up, drop the weapon!!” Just pull up to the gazebo and shoot. Then they appear to exit the car and back away from the kid with pistols pointed at him.


Well, Geez!!

If they’d administered first aid right away, the child might have lived.
That would have necessitated a return trip so the cops could shoot him again.


Shoot him in the hospital?? Hmmm (strokes chin)…I can see that in today’s climate.

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Exactly. We’re running this race war on budget. We can no longer afford to act like this is the 60’s and we’re just made of money.


Cleveland taxpayers can now look forward to a very large monetary settlement on behalf of Tamir Rice. The police, nation wide, need to reined in and retrained. This killing of unarmed citizens, particularly African Americans, has got to stop.




And of course they lied about the encounter - probably not realizing they were on camera. Terrible. There is absolutely NO way they had time to say “put your hands up” three times.


remember when this guy didn’t get shot by the cops? http://www.salon.com/2014/09/05/gun_nuts_special_privileges_how_police_treated_a_dangerous_open_carry_zealot/


How the heck do you identify a 12 year old - playing on a playground as a 20 year old ??

Lack of common sense, logic or both ? Oh, now I realize - in the heat of the moment neither should be applied.


Corpses can’t sue and can’t give a jury their version of events.


Black men are demonized regardless of age or size and the killer cop told us that’s how he responded.


Less paperwork this way.


Where is the NRA? That boy was just preparing for being a man with Second Amendment Rights. And if they shot a manly man with his manly gun, we know what the NRA would do.

Oh, the boy was a nigrah? Nevermind. Back to the fallout shelters, NRA guys.


Is this not murder, plain and simple?


It was a drive-by shooting. It just happened to be by cops.


OH is an open carry state. Same thing happened in that Walmart murder by the police. Summary execution of a black man or child.


Haha. Good one and so true.
One less N word to be a problem. If they could they would pull a Walking Dead and stab “it” in the head, not waste the bullet on the filthy N word, and all because of the skin color pretext, aka the kids’ ancestors stayed in Africa and kept their tans.
I have to say most cops I know are good, kind, nice, decent, moral people who respect all people and take their duty seriously but the bad ones really take their evil to unparalleled levels.

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While most cops are good people the bad ones taint the entire profession. The bad ones are like bad doctors. They get away with murder because their own profession refuses to demand they be held to a high standard.


Somehow it always seems to apply when the suspect is of lighter complexion.
All this talk and all these excuses are a joke. It all boils down to the fact that whenever a darker complexion victim is killed by a lighter complexion (Stupid I know it sounds stupid and surreal when we put it in that context, but that’s what it boils down to) person, whether justified or not, a faction of the supremacist posse don’t care about truth, reality, facts, logic or any of that crap, they just look for whatever narrative/excuse that will justify the N word deserved it & was asking for it and we all know it’s because the white killer always have to be justified VS a black victim and the reverse is true in the reverse situation.
Seriously all these disingenuous discussions are a joke. It’s always the same nonsense, darker skinned should always be victimized and be happy about it, and fairer complected people should have that right. How dare MLK have tried to point out the absurdity of marginalizing people because of something so absurd as a darker skin color (Something people have no control over BTW) & have tried to change that is the real problem for these folks. Of course, some deaths are more than justified but many apparently are not.