Discussion: Police Union Rep Stands By Remark That Ferguson Protestors 'Want Dead Cops'

And all along Brzezinski just lets him spin his slippery slope instead of stopping him in his tracks and saying “we dont know if it was the protestors that shot the cops and youre telling people they did”…WTF media

What “Cops” would that be? There are no Cops in America, there is only the ruling Oligarchy’s corrupt security forces.

If there were actual real live Cops in America, then we would have seen the following occur:

• Those engaging in fraud and treason with their peddling Ayn Rand/Reagan Trickle Down/Supply Side Satanomics that is murdering the middle class and is giving material aid to al-Qaeda vis-à-vis al-Qaeda’s goal to weaken America economically, would be in jail.
• Those who crashed the financial system, would be in jail.
• Those conspiring to commit mass murder on a global scale with AGW, would be in jail.
• Any Cops that murdered innocent, or unarmed, Americans, would no longer be Cops and would be in jail.

As for the ruling Oligarchy’s corrupt security forces, it would appear that at least one person in Ferguson has clued into the fact that the only language that sociopaths understand is a sharp stick up the ass.

It was very painful to listen to this crap . I changed the station when Lawrence O’Donnell tried to interject some truthiness in the conversation… and Joe wanted to play footsie with the union goon. Insisting that the St. Louis Rams owe goon-boy an apology for ‘hands up don’t shoot’.

Lame. All the way around. No wonder folks don’t trust the police.

Roorda is regarded as a bit of a thicko, locally. I think the likelihood that the KKK or supporters of Darren Wilson are behind the shootings are as likely as the protestors.

yep…segregated unions…whit could go wrong to promote solidarity under those circumstances?

Now that comment Kuni is real bat shit crazy. You do not know of what you speak and would be doing real damage to the cause of justice if anyone took yor comment seriously. They don’t.

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Wingnuts, enabled by the press, always try distract and deflect from core issues with these “truthy” tangents. As though the entire disgrace of the last nine months (and the years of underlying factors) hinges on the relative angle of Mike Brown’s arms at the moment of his dubious killing. “Move along White America, shelf you conscience , nothing to see here.”

The protestors need to sue him.

Unfortunately, since the Ferguson cops have shown themselves to not be credible, do we know this?

To follow this reasoning to its logical conclusion and if the map in the following link is accurate, then everyone in America (with the possible exception of VT and RI) “wants dead cops”. I should think that this would make the cops wonder what they’re doing wrong, but I doubt that it will.

Keep in mind that the rates in the map include automobile accidents and other work-related accidents as well as shootings.

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Some Ferguson protesters want dead cops in the sense that some Native Americans wanted dead cavalrymen.

yep the minute violence was done …against the black citizens of ferguson…useing them to fill your budgets under the most shitty circumstances… you should have thought about that before the police started all this thugish behaviour

150 yards away with a handgun? That alone speaks of someone not really with it when it comes to killing with a firearm. Its too far for the short barrel of a typical handgun, and even if well trained, hitting the target at that range with a handgun is very unlikely.

If they really wanted a police officer dead, 150 yards is well within the range of an AR-15 or AK-47, both of which have bullet piercing ammo available. Rendering the bullet proof vests, helmets, and gear worn by the officers useless. Use one converted to full auto (illegal, but so is shooting police officers), and one or more dead officers before they even have a chance to react. Add a 2x scope, and you can have multiple dead officers before they return fire. behind a house or on top of one, and you have dead officers in double digits.

Worse is the asshole “representative” KNOWS that, or should if his head wasn’t planted very deep in his posterior.


This guy totally represents exactly what is wrong with too many police recently. This black and white mentality, with absolutely no room for grays, is obscene and wrong and dangerous.

His comments fit into to the escalate and end the discussion mindset, rather than deescalate and resolve the issue. This is not a mentality you want with someone carrying a gun.


We also know the protestors were much closer to the police officers and everybody ducked for cover when the shots rang out.

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Nothing will improve in Ferguson until the police dept is completely fired a and new police are hired by a new mayor and city mgr. The tyranny of the city council, mayor , judge city manager and chief of police is unforgivable. And, the lone non sinner in that whole house of corruption will have to move on, too, before public trust will be restored.

If my family and neighbors were treated as people were treated in Furgeson you can bet I wouldn’t rest until everyone associated with the city would be down the road…tarred and feathered if they moved on too slowly.

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IIRC, they have two police unions because most of the black officers didn’t think the white-run union was representing their interests. The only statement I’ve read from the other union was reasonable instead of bat-shit crazy – which is probably why they aren’t being quoted.

True, but given that it kind of undermines their claim of the shot coming from the protestors it seems like it would be a rather counterproductive lie on their part.

If this jackass’s assertion were even remotely true, every cop would be dead.

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Stow the woo. It makes legitimate criticisms of law enforcement, dismissible.