Discussion for article #245944
The Good Guy With a Gun called in sick today. Otherwise…
More exceptionalism.
stuff happens, aye JEB?
my earlier post here, my comment was mistaken.
Looks like everybody had a gun.
Michele Fiore was out of town.
Glendale Police @GlendaleAZPD
We are investigating a double shooting at Independance HS. The incident was isolated. The school and neighborhood are safe.
I feel safer.
it was an isolated incident
Oh, good–so no reason for further infringement on the god-given rights of ammosexuals by passing unconstitutional gun control laws. Nothing to see here.
it was an isolated incident.
Yeah sure…just like the other 88 isolated incidents that happen every day in Amerika…
A pattern I have noticed in these shootings is they seem to be isolated to this area ↓↓↓↓
It’s awfully reassuring to learn that the latest two of the 30,000 or so yearly firearm deaths in this country are unrelated to terrorism. Because if they were related to terrorism, that would be cause for concern.
Obviously they are coming over the borders to kill us.
Pro tip - If you are going to contradict yourself, better to do it in a separate post - not so obvious that way.
NRA: that’s what you get when teachers and students aren’t all armed and dangerous.
NRA: “Arm all the kids, gotdownit’…It’s the only way they can be safe. BTW: The NRA wants to extend thoughts and prayers to any firearms that may have been harmed.”
And…It was Arizona! ~gasp!~ No way to foresee such a thing could EVER happen in a safe gun humping NRA heaven on earth.
I wonder what the founding fathers would have thought this. If they could have ever imagined that we’d end up at a point in our history where the real threat of a tyrannical U.S. government taking arms against its own people was nonexistent, but the very real fact that your child could go to school and get the shit blown out of him by another kid wielding a weapon designed for infantry was very real and something to be very concerned about.
Edit: You’d think that when they crafted the 2nd Amendment they would have foresaw this kind of thing and asked that it be well-regulated. Those dummies!
Was this first day of class(and last).