Discussion for article #230664
“…who pledge to defend the Constitution…”
Where were these guys before the government shot an unarmed citizen for walking down the street?
Go back to defending Cliven Bundy’s cows, hypocrites.
He was shot for being a suspect in a strong arm robbery that attacked a cop who tried to detain him, but great job on that history re-write.
Wilson didn’t know about the shop lifting, the attacking the cop story isn’t backed up by many people, and doesn’t logically make any sense, and “tried to detain him” = unloading a clip at him at range?
So, six. Six then.
These rotten sonsofbitches had better watch out, because eventually someone’s gonna start shooting back at their punk asses.
Your murdering hero himself admitted he had no idea about the robbery. Further, only in right wing fascist land can an individual be executed for a robbery. Nice try, Beej, but your unrestrained depravity gives you away every time.
Oath keepers were ready to fire on Government employees to protect a white Cliven Bundy who stole about a million dollars from taxpayers, but they draw the line at the killing of a black youth over a box of cigars. Yep, they’re all about protecting Constitutional rights. No, you don’t appear racist at all Oath Keepers.
The Oath Keepers are White nationalist, period.
Just what Ferguson needs. Some black kid getting shot by a member of a right wing, racist hate group. That would do a lot to calm things down, don’t you think.
Oath Keepers?
Tea Partiers, Cross Burners, Goose Steppers, Erectile Dysfunction Sufferers…all the same bunch of idiots.
Well, hey, if the “founder” of the Oathkeepers screened his members for racism before sending them to Ferguson, that ought to be good enough for any right thinking person. Because, he’d know, right?
Except according to the officer, the officer didn’t know Brown was involved in a robbery. Even for Fox News trolls causation still requires a linkage.
If the “founder” truly screened “his” members, there would be no one to go.
There is one guy in my VA physical fitness group who is an Oath Keeper and honestly he’s as racist and right wing as you can get…He walks up to me one day trying to be funny and says to me, “you know you’re more liberal than another guy in the group” and then goes on to sing the typical brain freeze denialist praises of the Bush administration and then swears up and down that Obama is a Muslim and I noticed he was wearing an Oath Keepers cap… We haven’t spoken since. The Oath Keepers in my opinion are a just another right wing 2nd amendment white supremacy group masquerading as a grass roots political movement.
Oath Kreepers = Nazis … Stewart Rhodes = Himmler.
I wonder why they guys didn’t go to Cliven Bundy’s Ranch to keep the peace when people had guns trained on BLM agents.
A dumb-arse, white, honkie sniper at Bundy ranch!
How many thing’s can you find wrong with this sniper’s position!
Oath Keepers = vigilantes .
False. You just are making stuff up.