Discussion for article #243163
Nah, they were just Trump supporters. Which is actually the same thing so never mind.
“While local Black Lives Matter organizers said the group of men who opened fire on protesters were white supremacists, a spokesman for the Minneapolis Police Department told NBC News that it was “way too early” in the investigation to make any determination of motive.”
Seems the white male Christian culture has a violence problem.
Imagine that.
I think they could have caught them easily last night if they weren’t too busy making fun of the people who were shot and macing other protesters.
Trump: “Maybe they should’ve been shot up.”
Exactly, they maced the #BLM people. Or the police telling the protestors that said they heard gunfire to “Call 911”. This is dirty as all get out. #NotAllCops, but damn, when they are bad…
I would pay money to watch them question this brave defender of the Caucasian race. I’ll bet he gives up the names of his equally brave and intelligent friends as soon as he stops crying for his mommy and gets his breath back.
And they’re becoming increasingly unhinged.
Who needs Daesh?
I can’t wait to see what his Facebook account looks like.
And where is the reporting about the police not assisting the shooting victims, but instead standing around making fun of them and pepper spraying them? Yeah, a few racists shot at the protestors, but the far larger story is the racist behavior of the police who did NOT come to the aid of the citizens of Minneapolis when they needed it.
$50 says theres a post about Obama taking away people’s rights to free speech. And some attempt to compare one of the Obamas to a monkey, witch doctor, pimp, prostitute, and/or thug, or some combo of all the above.
Aint that the truth.
Faux News: “No one was seriously hurt in Monday night’s shooting.”
Being shot is serious and I don’t give a fuck where the bullet hit.
One person was shot in the stomach and another in the back. Being shot int he stomach is FUCKING SERIOUS.
The RWNJ talking point that is circulating is now “legs and arms and intended only to disable something something it’s all because these thugs chased them.”
Onward Militant Soldiers -------turning plowshares in to WMDs.
Just like Jesus told them to do…
Chri$harianism vs Schizoidism…hard to tell the difference these days. Both hear voices.
A monkey prostitute? David Vitter replies, “I’m all over that!”
It was just a “boys will be boys” hazing ritual.
Where are the so-called “moderate” Christians? Why aren’t they all over the news denouncing this hateful act? I think all Christians should take responsibility for the destruction and death caused by adherents to that religion.
Since there were more than three suspects, I’m wondering if they will try to charge Trump with inciting a riot based on his earlier comments about “Black Lives Matter” protesters.
Or would that be considered a “woeful” act?