Discussion: Police: Aurora Gunman Had Previous Arrests, History Of Domestic Violence

Why is there push back on comprehensive background checks, again?

Oh that’s right, thoughts and prayers are stronger.

Fuck…one of the victims was a 21 year old intern.


If only we’d built that wall sooner…



Negligence has always befuddled the law. How negligent does an employer have to be to negligently hire or fire a person? How negligent does a gun seller have to be to sell a gun to a person who shouldn’t have a gun? Pretty negligent. Lots of people dead again for no reason beyond anger and negligence all around. It’s like Trump says about the foreseeability of bad or hard things: Who could have known?

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— House Democrats advanced bills to tighten gun laws on the eve of today’s one-year anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., shooting. The legislation now heads to the House floor, where its expected to pass with mostly Democratic support but isn’t likely to go anywhere in the GOP-controlled Senate.

A comprehensive background check would have denied this guy a gun for prior felonies and domestic violence. Of course, straw purchases from Mike Pence’s Indiana flow downhill into Illinois, so, yeah, possible he would have gotten a gun anyway. But it would have been much harder.

These deaths are on Republican hands until we get federal comprehensive background checks for ALL gun purchases.

MAGA: Heartfelt condolences!


Because “it won’t stop there.” It’s just a subterfuge for us to “register” the gun owners and take the guns. It’s not that we just want to keep guns out of the hands of people everyone agrees shouldn’t have them, what are you, naive? Shaking my head. At least Smith & Wesson got a pistol sale out of the deal they might not have, so there’s that.


It wasn’t until he applied for a concealed carry permit five days later and went through a more rigorous background check that uses digital fingerprinting that his 1995 felony conviction in Mississippi for aggravated battery was flagged and his firearm owner’s ID card was revoked, she said.

  1. No mechanism to link the application for an owner’s ID to the actual prior purchase?
  2. Assuming the Aurora Police ever knew he had purchased the gun, does the NRA have local law enforcement everywhere hen pecked into refusing to get the previously purchased gun of someone whose application for an owner’s ID is revoked?

“Heartfelt” is the new “thoughts and prayers”. Empty, impotent words in either case. That these occurrences are a part of the tapestry of everyday American life is disgraceful.


his firearm owner’s ID card was revoked, she said.

But he got to keep his gun. Thanks NRA.


I feel horrible for all the victims, but the intern news had me tear up, thinking of my kids at that age.

Just starting out your career and bang, it’s over…

And then throw this in, as well.

The FIRST day of his internship…


This guy is exactly the kind of person the NRA blieves should possess a large cache of weapons, to include RPGs and even missiles cuz . . 'Murica. The Second Amendment explicity states that in 'Murica gunfights at the OK corral are for pussies (e.g., Australians, Europeans, Japanese–but not the Russians) and in "Murica, we have a right to M.A.D. at the OK corral–and public displays of tiny penises, er, open carry.


My country tis’ of thee, sweet land of Mutually Assured Destruction, for thee I braaaaay.


Idk the laws there but the NRA had plenty of money and fought every piece of gun violence prevention legislation fiercely for years. They also stoked paranoia and got all the gun nuts to pressure legislators and vote in sheriffs etc who are pro gun all-the-time-everywhere-for-everyone.

The enthusiasm gap used to be tremendous and I imagine if legislators only hear from gun nuts (& get violent threats from them) and the nuts are showing up to vote… plus, even at the local levels they’re getting $$$ from the NRA & people like the Mercers & red areas just vote republican because well idk & idgaf, it’s so stupid.

At least now the NRA is, supposedly, bankrupt and there’s been a ton of energy going into gun reform from new (& old) groups like Moms Demand. But I imagine there’s still a ton of money from rich right wingers directed towards MORE GUNS!!! I consider the NRA & people like the Mercers domestic terrorists.


Domestic violence. It is an underlying theme among these mass shooters. I guess if you can’t beat your partner into a bloody pulp, your other option for venting is to shoot a bunch of people. Seriously. Anger management classes should be a requirement for middle school graduation.


It wasn’t until he applied for a concealed carry permit five days later
and went through a more rigorous background check that uses digital
fingerprinting that his 1995 felony conviction in Mississippi for
aggravated battery was flagged and his firearm owner’s ID card was
revoked, she said.

Thank God! Can you imagine the additional carnage if he still had his ID card?


Not only background check on buying guns, but the same check when they’re buying ammo. That’s something our new governor Newsom has been talking about for a long time. His mother and aunt witnessed their father shoot himself because he was shell shocked, it’s been Newsom’s cause for a long time.


A good start would be to remove the NRA’s legislation forbidding federal funding of good faith gun violence studies. I am sure this Republican Senate Majority will refuse to take that up. But it will be good to see the NRA pendulum swing the other way.


This is what happens when you don’t have a good HR Manager with a gun…

Fuck the NRA.


Especially to people who think, or pray, or both.


Since corruption is so profitable for politicians, the only way to stop this madness is to remove the corrupter from pumping money and buying off politicians, and to also reduce the corrupter’s capability to buy “free speech” political ads in support of the corrupter’s bought-and-paid-for politicians. We have to bankrupt the NRA, and I don’t care how this is done. Our politicians won’t do this for us, because many of them still suck at the NRA teat. I would hope that there would be a massive fine once the NRA-Russia connection is fully exposed, but I suspect that multiple corrupt politicians will do their best to minimize the damage to their benefactor.

We have laws that indemnify the manufacturers of death. It’s time to find other tactics for lawsuits. Anything that forces them to spend and waste money, because it is one thing to support the 2nd amendment, but another to support the pandemic that is rampant gun sales within our communities that result in too much firepower placed into the hands of the crazed or distraught. It’s one thing to protect yourself, but quite another to commit mass murder when you believe you have been wronged.

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I thought Obama took all the guns?