Discussion: Police Ambushed in Las Vegas; 5 Dead

Discussion for article #223666

Not even two trained police officers were safe with their guns.


Walmart is an open carry zone. There goes the gun loons’ “gun free zone” fallacy.


Clark County Nevada? Any connection to the Bundy Ranch standoff?


Congratulations Fox News, the NRA and the GOP. This is what you have done for America.


Are the guns OK? Who will they be handed over to now that they’re previous owners are dead?

So much for ‘Good guy with a guy’ saving the say.

However it’s important to note that thii was NOT a mass shooting. That would require at least 4 victims, other than the shooters.

Perhaps we should close all Walmart stores since they keep proving that their ‘open carry’ policy does NOT make them safe.



Not even two trained police officers were safe with their guns.

Yes and the NRA’s already got an answer for that one as you know: more guns needed! The pizza chef and the dough-maker could have protected the trained officers if they had been armed and vigilantly been focusing on security and not primarily spinning pies!


It’s not a revolution when you kill three people and then kill yourselves.

But those three need to be held accountable for the feeding frenzy.

NRA: “If only everyone in CiCi’s Pizza had been armed this could have been avoided.” (Or some crazy version…wash, rinse, repeat…ad infinitum, ad nauseum.)

Needs Moar Gunz’!


Anyone taking bets on whether these folks were Bundy fans? Perhaps they were in the area because of Bundy and hadn’t had a chance to begin their “revolution” there?


Will the NRA try to spin this event or will they just remain silent?

Will FxNN try to spin this event or will they just remain silent?

Thoughts and prayers for the three victims.


Godspeed to the three innocent victims.

And grant whatever mercy is due the two cold-blooded killers.

(We all knew it would happen - but here ends Mr. Martinez’s heartfelt plea, following his son’s killing, of …
***“NOT ONE MORE!”***)


Nothing will done about the gun nuts until it starts affecting the business worlds bottom line. The NRA keeps pushing and eventually the 1% are going to push back, not for the loss of life but for the loss of revenue.


Fox will be shocked! Shocked, I say! These two will be deemed mentally ill and their actions totally unrelated to 1) access to guns, 2) exposure to Fox Fomenting, 3) hatred of the guy in the White House because he’s the wrong flavor.


“We express our deepest condolences to everyone who has been affected by this senseless act of violence,” company spokesman Brooke Buchanan said.

But of course, Walmart will never stop selling guns and ammo because Freedomz! … the spokesclown continued off the record.


There was a cartoon recently dealing with what would happen when the Climate Change most scientists confirm to be occurring starts to have even more serious effects on the planet.

One of the captions had a hypothetical scenario in which a TeaBagger apologized to his fellow Americans. That one was nixed. The other caption had a far more likely scenario. That scenario was one in which enraged TeaBaggers blamed liberals, Obama, blacks, Obama, Latinos, Obama and Obama for “Climate Negligence”. In TeaBagg land, there is an inverse relationship with actual culpability and sense of responsibility.

Even with this latest GunFlap, all the rage, motivation and fervor is on the side of the GunNuts.

Until every disinterested potential voter puts down the i-phone and the video game and starts paying attention to the mess we are in, we won’t get anywhere in the Outrage business. That is the province of the Right.

Or maybe we should wait until every one of these (“I’m just too turned off to bother myself with voting”) people has some personal loss germane to him or her caused by gun policy.

That should happen around 2042.


I was thinking the same thing. Will be interesting to find out more about the murderers. Stay tuned.


thank god otherwise they might not have offed themselves.

My first thought. If so, Fox and Friends should be getting a portion of the blame for the two officers and the innocent bystander’s deaths.


Nope, this didn’t happen in Australia. Or Great Britain. Or Japan. Or Canada. Or Israel.